Professional Title
Associate professor
Administrative Appointments
Associate Professor (Senior Research Scientist)

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Selected Papers
- F. W. Lin*, Z. Wang, Z. M. Zhang, Z. H. Wang, et al. Comparative investigation on catalytic oxidation of chlorobenzene by oxygen and ozone with presence of SO2[J]. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55: 3341–3351. (SCI, IF=7.864, 中科院1区TOP)
- J. T. Li, F. W. Lin*, L. Xiang, B. B. Yan, et al. Hazardous elements flow during pyrolysis of oily sludge[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 409: 124986. (SCI, IF=9.038, 中科院1区TOP)
- F. W. Lin, Z. M. Zhang, C. He*, Z. P. Hao*, et al. How to achieve complete elimination of Cl-VOCs: A critical review on byproducts formation and inhibition strategies during catalytic oxidation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 404: 126534. (SCI, IF=10.652, 中科院1区TOP)
- W. J. Wang, H. D. Yu, F. W. Lin*, L. A. Hou*, et al. Insoluble matrix proteins from shell waste for synthesis of visible-light response photocatalyst to mineralize indoor gaseous formaldehyde[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 415: 125649.(SCI, IF=9.038, 中科院1区TOP)
- J. T. Li, F. W. Lin*, K. Li, K. Yoshikawa, et al. A critical review on energy recovery and non-hazardous disposal of oily sludge from petroleum industry by pyrolysis[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 406: 124706. (SCI, IF=9.038, 中科院1区TOP)