- 教师拼音名称:Wang Yaran
- 出生日期:1990-01-01
- 职务:Associate Professor
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
- 3903be31f6d50a951f4c25e2297d6e3acbb835572a294a4a0f428fd248cab2f784572b0bee3dad7a2c00ad6cc16ea66041fe0ca3b3f622239712b2f36763c119d75d7b1e0d22483915f9a4e240f1b3c285f55af3d2da3cba1f36155e04e0128ea4c333fc1e0b64b08833c6b01712f06450fc13c3234d3f32e1ca9bf23ad73155
- 37dc44af890b99f087150d750bf77bcbcbd2d7edb81f3912b34ca448343222af447b9df6c8431b0bbe12efe59aebe47bfe1e83f0021880ca32bfbe8104192a2b0bb0d8e7fa69d97cf6762181a090172229eb6eaa68ca22edbcd72daf6df0adedb3914d23fcb378799db5678f38756370cbfc8d1b8a7bc3db7c1d625ca927f036
· Xuejing Zheng, Rui Shi, Yaran Wang*, Shijun You, Huan Zhang, Junbao Xia, Shen Wei, Mathematical modeling and performance analysis of an integrated solar heating and cooling system driven by parabolic trough collector and double-effect absorption chiller [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 202:109400.(通讯作者,SCI二区, IF: 4.867 )
· Hongbo Liang, Man Fan, Shijun You, Junbao Xia, Huan Zhang, Yaran Wang*. An analysis of the heat loss and overheating protection of a cavity receiver with a novel movable cover for parabolic trough solar collectors [J]. Energy, 2018. 158:719-729(SCI一区,通讯作者, IF: 6.082 )
· Huan Zhang, Xintong Ma, Shijun You, Yaran Wang*, Xuejing Zheng, Tianzhen Ye, Wandong Zheng, Shen Wei. Mathematical modeling and performance analysis of a solar air collector with slit-perforated corrugated plate [J]. Solar Energy, 2018. 167:147-157.(SCI二区,通讯作者,IF: 4.608 )
· Na Wang, Shijun You, Yaran Wang*, Huan Zhang Qingwei Miao, Xuejing Zheng, Leiyang Mi. Hydraulic resistance identification and optimal pressure control of district heating network [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018. 170:83-94.(SCI二区,通讯作者,IF: 4.867 )
· Yaran Wang, Shijun You, Wandong Zheng, Huan Zhang, Xuejing Zheng, Qingwei Miao. State space model and robust control of plate heat exchanger for dynamic performance improvement [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 158:1588-1604. (SCI二区,IF: 4.725 )
· Yaran Wang, Shijun You, Huan Zhang, Xuejing Zheng, Shen Wei, Qingwei Miao, Wandong Zheng. Operation stability analysis of district heating substation from the control perspective [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 154:373-390. (SCI二区,IF: 4.867 )
· Yaran Wang, Shijun You, Xuejing Zheng, Huan Zhang. Accurate model reduction and control of radiator for performance enhancement of room heating system [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 138:415-431. (SCI二区,IF: 4.867 )
· Yaran Wang, Shijun You, Huan Zhang, Wandong Zheng, Xuejing Zheng, Qingwei Miao. Hydraulic performance optimization of meshed district heating network with multiple heat sources [J]. Energy, 2017, 126:603-621. (SCI一区, IF: 6.082 )
· Yaran Wang, Shijun You, Huan Zhang, Xuejing Zheng, Wandong Zheng, Qingwei Miao, Gang Lu. Thermal transient prediction of district heating pipeline: Optimal selection of the time and spatial steps for fast and accurate calculation [J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 206:900-910(SCI一区,IF: 8.848 )