- 教师名称:刘素梅
- 教师拼音名称:Liu Sumei
- 出生日期:1987-10-12
- 性别:女
- 职务:英才副教授、特聘研究员、博导、硕导
- 学科:建筑环境与能源应用工程
- 职称:副教授
Bingqian Chen, Sumei Liu*, Liu Junjie, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. A new wall function for indoor airflow with buoyancy effect. Building and Environment, 2021: 108029.
Mingxin Liu, Junjie Liu, Qing Cao, Xingyang Li, Sumei Liu*, Shengcheng Ji, Chao-Hsin Lin, Daniel Wei, Xiong Shen, Zhengwei Long, Qingyan Chen. Evaluation of different air distribution systems in a commercial airliner cabin in terms of comfort and COVID-19 infection risk. Building and Environment, 2021: 108590.
Ting Dai, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Wei Liu, Qingyan Chen. Evaluation of fast fluid dynamics with different turbulence models for predicting outdoor airflow and pollutant dispersion. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022,77: 103583.
Sumei Liu, Xingwang Zhao, Stephen R Nichols, Murilo W Bonilha, Tricia Derwinski, James T Auxier, Qingyan Chen. Evaluation of airborne particle exposure for riding elevators. Building and Environment, 2021: 108543. (ESI highly cited papers, 2022)
Zhao Runming, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. Generalizability evaluation of k-ε models calibrated by using ensemble Kalman filtering for urban airflow and airborne contaminant dispersion. Building and Environment, 2022: 108823.
Sumei Liu, Mike Koupriyanov, Dale Paskaruk, Graham Fediuk, Qingyan Chen. Investigation of airborne particle exposure in an office with mixing and displacement ventilation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022: 103718. (ESI highly cited papers, 2023)
Tengfei Zhang, Mingqi Fan, and Sumei Liu*. Impact of Seat Inclination and Misalignment on Airborne Pollutant Transport in a Single-Aisle Aircraft Cabin. Applied Sciences, 2022,12.9, 4538.
Tengfei Zhang, Jinsong Dong, and Sumei Liu*. Modeling and Measuring the Leaked-Air Rate into the Insulation Layer of a Single-Aisle Aircraft Cabin. Buildings, 2022,12,652.
Tengfei Zhang, Tinglu Zhang, and Sumei Liu*. A Modified Surgical Face Mask to Improve Protection and Wearing Comfort. Buildings, 2022,12,663.
Xingwang Zhao, Sumei Liu*, Yonggao Yin, Tengfei Zhang, Qingyan Chen. Airborne transmission of COVID-19 virus in enclosed spaces: An overview of research methods. Indoor air, 2022, 32, e13056.
Bingqian Chen, Sumei Liu*, Liu Junjie, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. Application of data‐driven RANS model in simulating indoor airflow. Indoor air, 2022, 32(10), doi.org/10.1111/ina.13123.
Sumei Liu*, Zhipeng Deng. Transmission and infection risk of COVID-19 when people coughing in an elevator. Building and Environment, 2023, 238: 110343.
Tengfei Zhang, Guangxing Wei, Sumei Liu*. Numerical Modeling of Cross-Transmission of Airborne Pollutants in a High-Rise Building Induced by Elevator Car Movement. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(13): 7400.
Ting Dai, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. Development of a new dynamic smagorinsky model by an artificial neural network for prediction of outdoor airflow and pollutant dispersion. Building and Environment, 2023, 243: 110624.
Jiaxin Zhang, Shihao Wen, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu. Numerical study on melting process and heat transfer analysis of a multitube combination latent heat storage unit with innovative harpoon-type fins. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 233: 121168.