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- [1] 建筑需求响应方向:
- [2] Niu, Jide, Zhe Tian, Yakai Lu, and Hongfang Zhao. "Flexible dispatch of a building energy system using building thermal storage and battery energy storage." Applied Energy 243 (2019): 274-287.
- [3] Niu, Jide, Zhe Tian, Jie Zhu, and Lu Yue. "Implementation of a price-driven demand response in a distributed energy system with multi-energy flexibility measures." Energy Conversion and Management 208 (2020): 112575.
- [4] Niu, Jide, Ruoyu Zhou, Zhe Tian, Jie Zhu, Yakai Lu, and Jianbo Ma. "Energy-saving potential analysis for a 24-hour operating chiller plant using the model-based global optimization method." Journal of Building Engineering 69 (2023): 106213.
- [5] Wang, Chengshan, Bingqi Jiao, Li Guo, Zhe Tian, Jide Niu, and Siwei Li. "Robust scheduling of building energy system under uncertainty." Applied energy 167 (2016): 366-376.
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