Pei Jingjing
School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Professional Title
Administrative Appointments
Contact Information
240C Building 14 ,Weijin Road,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072, China
Education Background
- Doctoral degree| Syracuse University| Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering| 2011
- Master’s Degree| Tianjin University| Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Engineering| 2006
- Bachelor’s Degree| Tianjin University| Building Environment and Equipment Engineering| 2004
Research Interests
- Field of Interest:
Building indoor air quality;
Aircraft cabin air quality and evaluation;
Air cleaning technology, especially gas phase contaminant removal;
Healthy and high performance building system;
Green building techniques/materials;
Building energy conservation
- • “Refrigeration Technology for HVAC system” (2140031), for junior students in HVAC major, Tianjin University, Credit: 2 (~60 students)
- • “Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning” (2140034), for junior students in HVAC major, Tianjin University, Credit: 2 (~60 students)
- • “Indoor Environmental Quality and Control Technology” (No. 2140217), for all grades students in majors other than HVAC, Tianjin university, Credit: 2 (~80 students)
- • “Professional English for HVAC” (No. 2140174), for senior student in HVAC major, Tianjin University, Credit: 1 (~20 students)
Professional Membership
- 中国制冷工业协会洁净室技术分会 副主任委员
- 全国暖通空调及空气净化设备标准化技术委员会 委员
- 中国工程建设标准化协会洁净受控环境与实验室专业委员会 第一届委员会委员
- 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会青年委员会委员, 净化学组副组长
- 天津市室内空气环境质量控制重点实验室 副主任
- 国际标准组织 ISO TC 142 (气相空气净化装置)技术委员会委员 /工作组专家
Positions & Employments
 天津大学 | 教授  -
 Tianjin University | Associate Professor  -
 Tianjin University | Lecturer 
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] Pei, J*., Dong X., Zhang, J., Levels, profiles and human exposure of organophosphate esters (OPEs) in dust from subway stations, Building and Environment, 2024
- [2] Pan Y, Pei J*. Study on the SO2 adsorption performance of dual-layer activated carbon cloth cathode air filter for high-power fuel cell[J]. Fuel, 2024, 361: 130661.
- [3] Pei J*, Bai Z, Pan Y, et al. Long-lasting removal of indoor formaldehyde in continuous airflow by B–TiO2@ AC composites[J]. Building and Environment, 2024, 256: 111458.
- [4] Pei, J.*, Pan, Y., Wu, Q., Performance and mechanism of sub-ppm SO2 adsorption on the alkali modified activated carbon under different humidity level, Journal of Cleaner Production 382(2023) 135400
- [5] Pei, J.*, Sun LY, Odor from Building Air Conditioners: Emission Characteristics, Odor Compounds and Influencing Factors, Sustainability 2023, 15, 1495.
- [6] Yin, Y., Pei, J*., Liu, J., 2022. The effectiveness of kitchen ventilation for organic gaseous compound control in Chinese residential buildings. Build. Environ. 109764.
- [7] Pei J J, Qu M N, Sun L Y, Wang X Y, Yin Y H. The relationship between indoor air quality (IAQ) and perceived air quality (PAQ) – a review and case analysis of Chinese residential environment [J]. Energy and Built Environment, 2022. 10.1016/j.enbenv.2022.09.005.
- [8] Xue, M., Liu, JJ, Zhao, L., Pei,J.*, Identification of odor compounds emitted by wooden boards with the presence of indoor ozone,Building and Environment, 2022, 221,1, 109341
- [9] Zhao, L ; Liu, JJ ; Yin, YH ; Pei, J* ; Xiao, W; Zhang, HQ; Wei, S. Field investigation of pollutant characteristics and targeted ventilation control strategies in high-ceiling aircraft spraying workshop. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2022. 159:627-639
- [10] Yin, YH; He ,JZ; Zhao, L; Pei, J.*; Yang, XD; Sun, YX; Cui, XK; LIN,CH; Wei, D; Chen, QY, Identification of key volatile organic compounds in aircraft cabins and associated inhalation health risks, Environmental International, 158 (2022), 106999
- [11] Yin, Y., He, J., Pei, J.*, Yang, X., Sun, Y., Cui, X., Lin, CH, Wei, D., Chen, Q., Influencing factors of carbonyl compounds and other VOCs in commercial airliner cabins: On-board investigation of 56 flights, Indoor Air, 2021, DOI: 10.1111/ina.12903
- [12] Pei,J.*.; Dai,W;Li, H., Liu, J. Laboratory and Field Investigation of Portable Air Cleaners’ Long-term Performance for Particle Removal, Building and Environment,2020, 181,15:107-100
- [13] Pei,J.*; Gong, J; Wang,Z,Risk prediction of household mite infestation based on machine learning,Building and Environment,2020, 107154
- [14] Pei,J.*; Gong, J; Liu, J, Influences of indoor environment and occupant behavior on mite allergen concentration in different regions of China, Building and Environment, 2020, 178:106922
- [15] Pei, J. * ; Yin, Y; Liu, J; Dai, X,,An eight-city study of volatile organic compounds in Chinese residences: Compounds, concentrations, and characteristics, Science of The Total Environment, 2020.1.1, 698: 134137
- [16] Liu J, Liu J, Lai D, Pei J.*, Wei S. A field investigation of the thermal environment and adaptive thermal behavior in bedrooms in different climate regions in China[J]. Indoor air, 2020;
- [17] Ji, L., Pei, J.*; Liu, WL. Long-term performance of fibrous ventilation/air-cleaner filters for particle removal,Building and Environment, 2019 160: 106-222
- [18] Pei, J.* ; Dong, CB., Liu, JJ,2018,Operating behavior and corresponding performance of portable air cleaners in residential buildings, China,Building and Environment, 147: 473-481
- [19] Pei, J. * ; Sun, Y.; Yin, YH., 2018, The effect of air change rate and temperature on phthalate concentration in house dust , Science of the Total Environment 639 :760–768
- [20] Pei, J. *; Ji, L. 2018, Secondary VOCs emission from used fibrous filters in portable air cleaners T and ventilation systems, Building and Environment, 115:34-41
- [21] Liu, LM ; Liu, J; Pei, J*, 2018,Towards a better understanding of adsorption of indoor air pollutants in porous media-From mechanistic model to molecular simulation,Building Simulation 11(5):997-1010
- [22] Kang, J., Liu, J., Pei, J.* 2017. The indoor volatile organic compound (VOC) characteristics and source identification in a new university campus in Tianjin, China [J]. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 67(6):725-737
- [23] Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, Li, J., Wang, C. 2017. Performance evaluation of different air distribution systems in an aircraft cabin mockup [J], AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 70 : 359-366
- [24] Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, Wang, C. 2017. Statistical analysis of turbulent thermal convection in a cabin mockup [J], Building and Environment, 115:34-41
- [25] JingjingPei,YihuiYin,JianpingCao,YahongSun, JunjieLiu,Yinping Zhang, Time dependence of characteristic parameter for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) emitted from indoor materials。Building and Environment,Volume 125 November 2017 Pages 339-347
- [26] Pei, J.*, Yin, YH, Liu,JJ, Long-term indoor gas pollutant monitor of new dormitories with natural ventilation, Energy and Buildings Volume 129, 1 October 2016, Pages 514–523
- [27] Pei, JJ ; Lu, Y; Yin, XT . Catalytic Decomposition of Ozone by CuO/MnO2-Performance, Kinetics and Application Analysis, th International Symposium on Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning ISHVAC Joint with the 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment COBEE 会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 会议日期: JUL 12-15, 2015 丛书: Procedia Engineering, 卷: 121 页: 792-800 出版年: 2015 BF2TP
- [28] Pei, J.*, Han, X, Lu, Y. 2015, Performance and Kinetics of Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde over Copper Manganese Oxide Catalyst, Building and Environment, 84:134-141
- [29] Pei, J.*, Zhang, J.S., Nair, S., Chen, W., Guo, B. and Wong, J. 2008. VOC Removal Performance of Pellet/Granular Type Sorbent Media—From Testing to Predictions, ASHRAE Transactions, 114(2): 462-471
- [30] Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2010. Modeling of sorbent-based filters: Development, verification, and experimental validation, Building Simulation: An International Journal, 3(1): 75-86. “Building Simulation’s Best Paper Award 2010 (1 out of 27)”
- [31] Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2011. On the performance and mechanisms of formaldehyde removal by chemi-sorbents, Chemical Engineering Journal, 167(1):59-66. (SCI index No. 737RO)
- [32] Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2011. A critical review of catalytic oxidation and chemisorption methods for indoor formaldehyde removal, HVAC&R Research, 17(4):476-503
- [33] Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2011. Determination of adsorption isotherm and diffusion coefficient of toluene on activated carbon at low concentrations, Building and Environment, 48: 66-76
- [34] Liu J., Wang M., and Pei J. 2006. Indoor particle contamination in airlaid papermaking workshop, Transactions of Tianjin University, 12(4): 277-280
- [35] Liu, J., Pei, J. and Wang, B. 2007. Determination of Influencing Factors of Total Heat Exchanger Efficiency with Weight Coefficient Method (in Chinese), Gas and Heat, 27 (1):77-79.
- [36] Lu, N., Pei, J., Zhao, Y., Qi, R., Liu, J. 2012. Performance of a biological degradation method for indoor formaldehyde removal, Building and Environment, 57:253-258
- [37] Wang, Z.*, Pei, J., and Zhang, J.S. 2012. Modeling and Simulation of an Activated Carbon-based Botanical Air Filtration System for Improving Indoor Air Quality, Building and Environment, 54:109-115
- [38] C. He, W. Chen,K. Han, B. Guo, J. Pei, J.S. Zhang, 2014. Evaluation of Filter Media Performance: Correlation between High and Low Challenge Concentration Tests for Toluene and Formaldehyde (ASHRAE RP-1557), HVAC&R Research, vol. 20, 508–521
- [39] Zhou, C., Wang, Z.*, Chen, Q., Jiang, Y., Pei, J. 2014, Design Optimization and Field Demonstration of Natural Ventilation for High-rise Residential Buildings, Energy and Buildings, vol. 82, 457-465
- [40] Liu, J., Li, Q., Pei, J. *, 2014. Effect of environmental conditions on microbial growth on filter media, Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, vol. 47(4): 304-309
- [41] Chen, Y., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, Cao, X. , Chen, Q., Jiang, Y. Experimental and simulation study on the performance of daylighting in an industrial building and its energy saving potential, Energy and Buildings, 2014, vol. 73: 184-191
- [42] Li, F., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, Lin, C-H, and Chen, Q. 2014. Experimental Study of Gaseous and Particulate Contaminant Distributions in an Aircraft Cabin, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 85: 223-233
- [43] Liu, S., Liu, J., Yang, Q., Pei, J.*, Lai, D., Cao, X., Chao, J., and Zhou, C. 2014. Coupled Simulation of Natural Ventilation and Daylighting for a Residential Community Design, Energy and Buildings, vol. 68: 686-695
- [44] Chao, J., Mu, X., Xue, Y., Li, F., Liu, W., Lin, C-H, Pei, J. *, and Chen, Q. 2014. A modified tracer-gas decay model for ventilation rate measurements in long and narrow spaces, Indoor and Built Environment, vol 23(7) 1012-1020
- [45] Rai, A.C., Guo, B., Lin, C.-H., Zhang, J., Pei, J. *, and Chen, Q. 2014. Ozone reaction with clothing and its initiated VOC emissions in an environmental chamber, Indoor Air, vol. 24(1): 49-58
- [46] Rai, A.C., Guo, B., Lin, C.-H., Zhang, J., Pei, J. *, and Chen, Q. 2013. Ozone reaction with clothing and its initiated particle generation in an environmental chamber, Atmospheric Environment, 77:885-892
- [47] Han, X., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, and Xu, L. 2013. Multi-objective Building Energy Consumption Prediction and Optimization for Eco-community Planning, Energy and Buildings, 66: 22-32
- [48] Wang, Z., Pei, J.*, and Zhang, J. S. 2013. Catalytic oxidization of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature - Effect of operation conditions, Building and Environment, 65:49-57
- [49] Chen, C., Liu, W., Li, F., Lin, C-H, Liu, J., Pei, J.*, and Chen, Q. 2013. A hybrid model for investigating transient particle transport in enclosed environments, Building and Environment, 62:45-54
- [50] Xu, L., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, and Han, X. 2013. Building energy saving potential in Hot Summer and Cold Winter (HSCW) Zone, China—Influence of building energy efficiency standards and implications, Energy Policy, 57:253-262
- [51] Wang, Z., Pei, J.*, Zhang, J.S. 2014. Experimental Investigation of the Formaldehyde Removal Mechanisms in a Dynamic Botanical Filtration System for Indoor Air Purification, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 280, 235-243
- [52] Li X., Liu J., Pei J., and Zhang Y. 2007. Experiment and theoretical analysis of the half-life of ozone under normal temperature (in Chinese), Journal of Tianjin University, 40(8): 952-956
- [53] Yin, Xiaotong; Liu, Junjie; Pei, Jingjing; 等,A new calculating model for the suitable area of air cleaners purifying indoor gaseous chemical contaminants, 9th International Symposium on Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning ISHVAC Joint with the 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment COBEE 会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 会议日期: JUL 12-15, 2015 丛书: Procedia Engineering 卷: 121 页: 1467-1474 出版年: 2015 SCI: BF2TP
- [54] Liu, J., Zhai, J. Z., Pei, J. and Li, Y. 2007. Measurement and assessment of VOC and formaldehyde contamination during the construction of a new museum in China, ASHRAE Transactions, 113(2):355-361
- [55] Liu, J., Li, Y. and Pei, J. 2008. Ultrafine particles from chemistry reaction of indoor ozone and toluene pollutions (in Chinese), Journal of Tianjin University, 41(10): 1258-1262
- [56] Zhang, YZ Liu, JJ; Pei, J*; Wang, CC, Statistical analysis of turbulent thermal convection in a cabin mockup, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 卷: 115 页: 34-41 APR 2017
- [57] Kang, Jian; Liu, Junjie; Pei, Jingjing*, The indoor volatile organic compound (VOC) characteristics and source identification in a new university campus in Tianjin, China. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995) 卷: 67 期: 6 页: 725-737 出版年: 2017-Jun (Epub 2017 Feb 02)
- [58] Liu J., Wang Z., and Pei J. 2007. Ambient Air Quality Measurement and Assessment of a Residential Habitation, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 14(SUPPL):221-223
- Books
- [1] 裴晶晶, 薛人玮, 刘俊杰《气态分子污染及控制技术》, 天津大学出版社, 2020
- [2] 裴晶晶, 刘俊杰, 中国制冷空调工业协会标准T/CRAA 438.1-2020《一般通风用气态污染物空气净化材料及装置性能试验方法 第1部分:空气净化材料(GPACM)》
- [3] 裴晶晶, 刘俊杰, 中国制冷空调工业协会标准T/CRAA 438.2-2020《一般通风用气态污染物空气净化材料及装置性能试验方法 第2部分:空气净化装置(GPACD)》
- [4] 《2018-2019中国室内环境与健康研究进展报告》(中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会组织编写),裴晶晶:第六章室内空气净化,2020,ISBN:978-7-112-24645-8,中国建筑工业出版社, 中国,北京
- [5] Howard D. Goodfellow, Yi Wang, Industrial Design Guidebook Volume 2:Engineering Design and Applications,第2版,Contributor:Jingjing Pei, Chapter 12“Pollutant Measurement”, 2020, Elsevier
- Patents
- [1] 裴晶晶, 潘奕君, 代雯华,一种基于低聚甲醛散发解聚型的甲醛气体发生装置,ZL2020223440204 2021-09-24
- [2] 裴晶晶, 张帅, 一种多种气态污染物净化材料性能测试平台,2020.12,中国, 201921413231X
- [3] 刘俊杰; 曹晓东; 陈元益; 裴晶晶, 一种半透明大型客机座舱环境仿真实验平台, 2015.11, 中国, CN201310293870.8
- [4] 刘俊杰; 曹晓东; 陈元益; 裴晶晶, 一种适用于民用单通道客机座舱的下送上回高效气流组织, 2013.10.23, 中国, CN201310293916.6
- [5] 刘俊杰, 陈瑞清, 裴晶晶, 一种建筑室内颗粒物及气体复合净化材料的制备方法 , 2020.04, 中国, CN201710348997.3
- [6] 裴晶晶, 崔国丰, 陆义, 刘俊杰, 龚原,一种微量气态有机物发生装置,2016.05, 中国, 2015210634747(未维持)
- [7] 裴晶晶, 徐馨宇,张帆,颜聪,武强,李瑭威,一种基于热催化氧化法的除醛净化器, 2020.02,中国, ZL2019204072280
- [8] 裴晶晶,陆义, 刘俊杰, 一种用于空气过滤器测试系统的气态有机污染物发生器, 2016.09, 中国, CN201410375155.3
- [9] 裴晶晶,陆义,刘俊杰, 一种用于空气净化器性能检测的气态污染物发生装置及 方法, 2016.01, 中国, 201310386518.9 、
- [10] 空气净化滤料测试实验系统
- [11] China Invention Patent “Pei, Jingjing; Han, Xu, A test system for gas phase air cleaning material performance, 01/2015”, ZL 201210397418.1
面向“健康中国”、“集成电路”、“航空航天”等国家战略需求,就居住及办公建筑、电子洁净室、机舱空间站等特殊密闭舱室环境室内气体污染物控制展开研究, 内容主要涉及室内气态污染物的“认知”-污染物图谱及源特性分析、“净化”-低温低浓度污染物吸附及催化氧化净化机理、“测评”-气体污染物净化材料及装置性能评价体系三个方面.
- Honors & Awards
- [1] 2020 国家专利优秀奖“一种半透明大型客机座舱环境仿真实验平台” 第四完成人
- [2] • 2010 Building Simulation’s Best Paper Award 2010 (1 out of 27) (J. Pei, J.S. Zhang, Modeling of sorbent-based filters: Development, verification, and experimental validation, Building Simulation: An International Journal, 2010, Vol.3, No.1, 75-86.)