- 教师名称:李晓红
- 教师拼音名称:XiaoHong Li
- 性别:女
- 职务:Dean of Computer and Information Technology Dept.
- 职称:教授
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57. Du C, Li X, Shi H, et al. Architecture Security Evaluation Method Based on Security of the Components[C]// Software Engineering Conference. IEEE, 2013:523-528.
上一条:58. Yan L, Li X, Feng R, et al. Detection Method of the Second-Order SQL Injection in Web Applications[M]// Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method. Springer International Publishing, 2013:154-165. 下一条:56. Yan B, Li X, Du Z. A Threat Model-Driven Security Testing Approach for Web Application[J]. Communications in Computer & Information Science, 2013, 332:158-168. (EI 20132616453466)