- 教师名称:李晓红
- 教师拼音名称:XiaoHong Li
- 性别:女
- 职务:Dean of Computer and Information Technology Dept.
- 职称:教授
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Dr. Xiaohong Li is a Professor of Software Information in Tianjin University, the director of Software Engineering and Information Security Lab and the vice-director of Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Networking. She got her Ph.D. degree in Tianjin University, China in 2005, and was a Visiting Scholar in National University of Singapore form Aug.2010 to Mar.2011. Her research is in security software engineering, model checking and evaluation of trustworthy software and test. Now she is putting her focus on cyber security, information security, program analysis and IoT security. ❤❤❤ She is very kind and friendly in life,and she is always conscientious and responsible in work. So brilliant students are welcome! ❤❤❤
Evaluation of trustworthy software and test.
We focus on trusted software theory and verification, trust mechanism and model, evaluation of trustworthy software and test. -
Program Analysis.
We focus on loops analysis, invariant, termination and resource analysis. -
Model checking.
We focus on security analysis and verification for the network protocol. -
Information Security.
We focus on application software security, including mobile security and IoT security.
Evaluation of trustworthy software and test.
- 1. Disjunctive Loop Summary via Path Dependency Analysis,ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award,2016.11.(Best Paper Award, CCF A)
- 2. The first prize of Hubei Province Science and Technology Awards, cooperated with Wuhan University, 2015, 《可信软件构造方法与技术》。
- 3. An excellent thesis for master's degree of Tianjin, 2015.6, 《Android手机恶意彩信拦截系统的设计与实现》。
- 4. An excellent thesis for master's degree of Tianjin, 2014. 4, 《网络协议的形式化建模与基于模型检测的攻击发现》。
- 5. An excellent thesis for master's degree of Tianjin, 2014. 4, 《浏览器扩展行为自动测试系统的设计与实现》。
- 6. An excellent thesis for master's degree of Tianjin, 2013. 4, 《基于缺陷分析与测试评审的软件可信性评价体系》。
- 7. The third prize of Android Developer Challenge of North China Competition Zone, cooperated with Google, 2012, “万能手势”。
- 8. The title of outstanding communist party member of Tianjin University, 2011。
- 9. The title of outstanding communist party member of Tianjin educational system, 2011。
- 10. The third prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Awards, 2010.1, 《基于语义Web的物流管理系统研究》。
- 11. The March-eighth Red-banner Pacesetter Title of Tianjin University, 2009.3。
- 12. An excellent adviser in undergraduate graduation thesis, 2008。
- 101. Xie X, Chen B, Zou L, et al. Loopster: static loop termination analysis[C]//Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering. ACM, 2017: 84-94..2017
- 100. Shuxin Li, Xiaohong Li, Jianye Hao*, Bo An, Zhiyong Feng, Kangjie chen, Chengwei Zhang. Defending against man-in-the-middle attack in repeated games , Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI17): 2017.2017
- 99. Li X, Li S, Hao J, et al. Optimal Personalized Defense Strategy Against Man-In-The-Middle Attack[C]//AAAI. 2017: 593-599..2017
- 98. Li X, Liu F, Feng Z, et al. A novel optimized vertical handover framework for seamless networking integration in cyber-enabled systems[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017..2017
- 97. Guo Q, Li X, Xu G, et al. MP-MID: Multi-Protocol Oriented Middleware-level Intrusion Detection method for wireless sensor networks[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017, 70: 42-47..2017
- 96. Han Z, Li X, Xing Z, Liu H, Feng Z, et al. Learning to Predict Severity of Software Vulnerability Using Only Vulnerability Description[C]//2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) 2017..2017
- 95. Chengwei Zhang, Xiaohong Li, Shuxin Li, Zhiyong Feng: Dynamically analyzing cell interactions in biological environments using multiagent social learning framework. J. Biomedical Semantics 8-S(1): 43-52 (2017).2017
- 94. Liu F, Li X, Xu G. A MIH and SDN based framework for optimizing vertical handover performance[C]// International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing. IEEE, 2017:555-560..2017
- 93. Xiaohong Li, Ru Cao, Jianye Hao, et al.A Prediction and Learning based Approach to Network Selection in Dynamic Environments[C]// ICANN 2017, Part I, LNCS 10613 proceedings..2017
- 92. Huijuan He, Xiaohong Li, Zhiyong Feng, Jianye Hao, Xiaofei Wang, Haijun Zhang,An Adaptive Handover Trigger Strategy for 5G C/U Plane Split Heterogeneous Network, 14th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems IEEE MASS 2017 (submitted, CCF C).2017
- 91. Wei Yang, Xiaohong Li, Zhiyong Feng and Jianye Hao. TLSsem: A TLS Security-Enhanced Mechanism against MITM Attacks in Public WiFis,ICECCS2017 (The 22nd International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2017), The Kyushu University, November 5-8, 2017, Fukuoka, Japan).2017
- 90. Yunhao Liu, Xiaohong Li, Zhiyong Feng, and Jianye Hao. An improved android collusion attack detection method based on program slicing. 19th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 2017(Submitted, CCF C). .2017
- 89. Jiangjuan Wang, Xiaohong Li, Zhiyong Feng, Jianye Hao, Guangquan Xu, Zhuobing Han. Automated Software Security Requirements Recommendation Based on FT-SR Model.SEKE2017.382-385(short paper).2017
- 88. Zhao R, Li X, Xu G, et al. E-SSL: An SSL Security-Enhanced Method for Bypassing MITM Attacks in Mobile Internet[C]//International Workshop on Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method. Springer, Cham, 2016: 101-120..2017
- 87. Fang K, Li X, Hao J, et al. Formal Modeling and Verification of Security Protocols on Cloud Computing Systems Based on UML 2.3[C]//Trustcom/BigDataSE/I SPA, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016: 852-859..2017
- 86. Zhang X, Li X, Feng Z, et al. Universal Analysis and Detection Framework for Location Aided Routing[C]//Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), 2016 21st International Conference on. IEEE, 2016: 145-154..2017
- 85. Li X, Xu J, Xu G, et al. Fepchecker: An Automatic Model Checker for Verifying Fairness and Non-Repudiation of Security Protocols in Web Service[J]. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2016, 26(04): 563-585..2017
- 84. Huang K, Siegel M, Madnick S, et al. Poster: Diversity or concentration? Hackers’ strategy for working across multiple bug bounty programs[C]//37th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P). 2016..2017
- 83. Li X, Zhang C, Hao J, et al. Socially-Aware Multiagent Learning: Towards Socially Optimal Outcomes[C]//ECAI. 2016: 533-541..2017
- 82. Xie X, Chen B, Liu Y, et al. Proteus: computing disjunctive loop summary via path dependency analysis[C]//Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering. ACM, 2016: 61-72..2017
- 81. Geng S, Li X, Feng Z, et al. Web Application Architecture Security Evaluation Method Based on AADL[C]// International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. IEEE, 2016:186-189. (CCF C类会议). Gold Coast, Australia, 2015/12/9—2015/12/11.2017
- 80. Wang T, Sun J, Wang X, et al. A Systematic Study on Explicit-State Non-Zenoness Checking for Timed Automata[J]. Software Engineering IEEE Transactions on, 2015, 41(1):3-18..2017
- 79. Guo Q, Li X, Feng Z, et al. MPOID: Multi-protocol Oriented Intrusion Detection Method for Wireless Sensor Networks[C]// IEEE, International Conference on High PERFORMANCE Computing and Communications. IEEE, 2015:1512-1517..2017
- 78. Song J, Li X, Hu J, et al. Dynamic Trust Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Multi-factor[C]// IEEE Trustcom/bigdatase/ispa. IEEE Computer Society, 2015:33-40. (CCF C类会议). Helsinki, Finland, 2015/8/20-2015/8/22..2017
- 77. Tian D, Li X, Hu J, et al. POSTER: API-Level Multi-policy Access Control Enforcement for Android Middleware[M]// Security and Privacy in Communication Networks. Springer International Publishing, 2015. (CCF C类会议). DALLAS, UNITED STATES. 2015/10/26-2015/10/29.2017
- 76. Han Z, Rineau M, Gauthier F, et al. Evolutionary analysis of access control models: a formal concept analysis method[C]// International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering. IBM Corp. 2015:261-264. (CCF C类会议). Markham, Ontario, Canada, 2015/11/2—2015/11/14.2017
- 75. Han Z, Li X, Stroulia E. A Hierarchical Security-Auditing Methodology for Cloud Computing[C]// IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. IEEE, 2015:202-209. (CCF C类会议). USA, New York , 2015/6/27—2015/7/2..2017
- 74. Keman Huang(#)(*), Zhiyong Feng, Jianqiang Li, Xiaohong Li, System thinking of the Software Vulnerability Market via Complex Network Theory, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2015 (IEEE S&P 2015) .2017
- 73. Xie X, Liu Y, Le W, et al. S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops[C]// International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. ACM, 2015:188-198..2017
- 72. Wang T, Sun J, Wang X, et al. A Systematic Study on Explicit-State Non-Zenoness Checking for Timed Automata[J]. Software Engineering IEEE Transactions on, 2015, 41(1):3-18..2017
- 71. 杜长霄, 李晓红, 石红, 等. J2EE 应用软件的架构安全评估方法[J]. 计算机科学与探索, 2014, 8(5): 572-581..2017
- 70. Jiao H, Li X, Zhang L, et al. Hybrid detection using permission analysis for Android malware[C]//International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Systems. Springer International Publishing, 2014: 541-545. CCF C类.2017
- 69. Pei H, Li X, Xu G, et al. Mining Specification of Insecure Browser Extension Behavior[C]//Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 871-876. CCF C类.2017
- 68. Zhao S, Li X, Xu G, et al. Attack tree based android malware detection with hybrid analysis[C]//Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 380-387. CCF C类.2017
- 67. Han, Z., Li, X., Feng, R., Hu, J., Xu, G., & Feng, Z. (2014, September). A Three-Dimensional Model for Software Security Evaluation. In Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE), 2014 (pp. 34-41). IEEE. CCF C类..2017
- 66. Wu X, Li X, Feng R, et al. OOPN-SRAM: A Novel Method for Software Risk Assessment[C]// International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. IEEE, 2014:150-153. CCF C类(EI 201445163799).2017
- 65. Shen G, Li X, Feng R, et al. An Extended UML Method for the Verification of Security Protocols[C]// International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. IEEE, 2014:19-28. CCF C类(EI 201445163783)..2017
- 64. Li X, Li X, Xu G, et al. Formal Analysis of Fairness for Optimistic Multiparty Contract Signing Protocol[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014,(2014-6-17), 2014, 2014(2014):1-10. (SSCI 三区).(UT WOS 000338085600001).2017
- 63. Zhang C, Li X, Hu J, et al. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Fairness Characterization of E-Commerce Protocols[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014,(2014-6-1), 2014, 2014(7):1-10. (SSCI 三区).(UT WOS 000337377800001).2017
- 62. Xie X, Li X, Liu Y, et al. Automatic Verification for Later-Correspondence of Security Protocols[C]// International Workshop on Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method. Springer, Cham, 2014:111-126..2017
- 61. Li X H, He K, Feng Z, et al. Unified threat model for analyzing and evaluating software threats[J]. Security & Communication Networks, 2014, 7(10):1454-1466. (SCI四区).2017
- 60. 刘月朋, 李晓红,石红,冯志勇.Android平台下基于联网行为的软件安全检测方法. 第十二届全国软件与应用学术会议(NASAC2013), 2013.(已录用).2017
- 59. Chen, M., Tan, T. H., Sun, J., Liu, Y., Pang, J., & Li, X. (2013, October). Verification of functional and non-functional requirements of web service composition. In International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (pp. 313-328). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (EI 20135017078295).2017
- 58. Yan L, Li X, Feng R, et al. Detection Method of the Second-Order SQL Injection in Web Applications[M]// Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method. Springer International Publishing, 2013:154-165..2017
- 57. Du C, Li X, Shi H, et al. Architecture Security Evaluation Method Based on Security of the Components[C]// Software Engineering Conference. IEEE, 2013:523-528. .2017
- 56. Yan B, Li X, Du Z. A Threat Model-Driven Security Testing Approach for Web Application[J]. Communications in Computer & Information Science, 2013, 332:158-168. (EI 20132616453466).2017
- 55. Zhang Q, Li X, Yu X, et al. ASF: Improving Android Security with Layered Structure Instrumentation[M]// Contemporary Research on E-business Technology and Strategy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012:147-157. (EI 20132616453465).2017
- 54. Yu X, Li X, Zhang Q. Eliciting Security Requirements Method Based on Safety Knowledge Base[M]// Contemporary Research on E-business Technology and Strategy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012:109-121. (EI 20132616453462).2017
- 53. Liu Y, Du Z, Shi H, X Li. A Screening Method of Security Functional Components Based on Fuzzy[J]. Communications in Computer & Information Science, 2012, 332:292-305. (EI 20132616453479).2017
- 52. Wang Q, Li X, Yan B. A Browser Extension Vulnerability Detecting Approach Based on Behavior Monitoring and Analysis[M]// Contemporary Research on E-business Technology and Strategy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012:259-270. (EI 20132616453476).2017
- 51. 李晓红, 冯志勇. 浏览器扩展行为监控系统的设计与实现[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2012, 29(1):191-196..2017
- 50. Junjie Wang, Xiaohong Li, Qin Wang,GuangQuan Xu, Characteristic Behavior Sequence Based Attack Detection Method for Browser Extension (ACSA-Summer 2012. SI of Journal of "INFORMATION".SCI 4).2017
- 49. Wang J, Li X, Liu X, et al. An empirical study of dangerous behaviors in firefox extensions[C]// International Conference on Information Security. Springer-Verlag, 2012:188-203. (EI:20124115538466).2017
- 48. Han Z, Li X, Liu Y, et al. Auto-Selection of Security Functional Components Based on Common Criteria[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, 2012, 6(1):479-487. (EI 20120714765735).2017
- 47. Xie X, Li X, Cao K, et al. Security Modeling Based on CSP for Network Protocol[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, 2012, 6(1):496-504. (EI 20120714765737).2017
- 46. Wang J, Li X, Yan B, et al. Pointer Analysis Based Vulnerability Detection for Browser Extension[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, 2012, 6(1):488-495. ( EI 20120714765736).2017
- 45. Luu A T, Sun J, Liu Y, et al. SeVe: automatic tool for verification of security protocols[J]. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2012, 6(1):57-75.(SCI 4)(UT WOS 000299768800005).2017
- 44. Li X H, Hu C, Feng Z Y, et al. An Approach to Obtain Software Security Vulnerabilities Based on Vertical Search[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 403-408:3203-3206..2017
- 43. 何可, 李晓红, 冯志勇,等. 基于攻击场景的安全测试生成方法[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2011, 44(4):344-352. (EI20112013990802).2017
- 42. Ke H E, Xiao-Hong L I, Feng Z Y, et al. Attack Scenario Based Approach to Security Test Generation[J]. Journal of Tianjin University, 2011, 44(4):344-352. (EI2011201399080)..2017
- 41. 何可, 李晓红, 冯志勇. 面向对象的威胁建模方法[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(4):21-23..2017
- 40. Li X H, Liu F X, Feng Z Y, et al. A Knowledge Based Threat Analysis in Trustworthy Software Engineering[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2012, 130-134:3177-3180. (EI20114714534930 )..2017
- 39. 李晓红, 王翔宇, 张涛,等. 基于缺陷分析与测试评审的软件可信性评价方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2011(10):1287-1293..2017
- 38. Li X, Wang X, Zhang T, et al. Software trustworthness evaluation based on weakness analysis and testing assessment[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University, 2011, 51(10):1287-1293.(EI 20114514493937).2017
- 37. Sun J, Liu Y, Song S, et al. PRTS: An Approach for Model Checking Probabilistic Real-Time Hierarchical Systems[C]// International Conference on Formal Methods and Software Engineering. Springer-Verlag, 2011:147-162. (与新加坡国立合作)(软件工程Rank2的会议).2017
- 36. Li X, Cao Y, Feng Z, et al. Web Service Security Analysis Model Based on Program Slicing[C]// International Conference on Quality Software. IEEE, 2010:422-428. (EI20104313329114).2017
- 35. Xing J L, Li X H, Yan C, et al. Information Flow Analysis of Web Service Net[C]// IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. IEEE Computer Society, 2010:1622-1626..( EI20104613393095).2017
- 34. Li X, Meng G, Feng Z, et al. A framework based security-knowledge database for vulnerabilities detection of business logic[C]// International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Energy Engineering. 2010:292-297. ( EI20103113115522)..2017
- 33. 何可, 李晓红, 冯志勇. 活动图模型驱动的Web应用程序测试方法[J]. 计算机应用, 2010, 30(9):2365-2369..2017
- 32. 李晓红, 王翔宇, 冯志勇. 一种安全需求分析中的用例漏洞检测方法[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2010, 46(5):51-54..2017
- 31. 李晓红, 冯志勇, 王翔宇. 基于安全缺陷的软件可信性评价方法[C]// 中国计算机大会. 2010. (CNCC2010), HangZhou, China, Oct,11-13, 2010..2017
- 30. 王泽来, 穆小亮, 李晓红, 等. 基于 WebGIS 的第四方物流跟踪及应急系统设计与实现倡[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2009, 26(7)..2017
- 29. Cao X, Wu L, Xiao J, et al. Video synchronization and its application to object transfer[J]. Image and Vision Computing, 2010, 28(1): 92-100..2017
- 28. 王泽来, 宋利军, 冯志勇, 等. 支持四方物流的 Web 服务集成平台的设计与实现[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2009, 45(7): 215-219..2017
- 27. He K, Feng Z, Li X. An attack scenario based approach for software security testing at design stage[C]//Computer Science and Computational Technology, 2008. ISCSCT'08. International Symposium on. IEEE, 2008, 1: 782-787. (ISCSCT2008), Shanghai, China, December 2008, pp.782-787. (EI: 20091211972085).2017
- 26. 李晓红, 聂旭飞, 冯志勇. 基于本体和规则的物流知识表示与推理[D]. , 2008, EI082011256412。.2017
- 25. 李晓红, 冯志勇, 张亮. 元搜索引擎的个性化[J]. 天津大学学报, 2008, 41(5): 616-620, EI082611336893 。 .2017
- 24. Li X, He K. A unified threat model for assessing threat in web applications[C]//Information Security and Assurance, 2008. ISA 2008. International Conference on. IEEE, 2008: 142-145. EI083811558693..2017
- 23. Ke He, Xiaohong Li, Zhiyong Feng, Aaron Marback. An Attack Scenario Based Approach to Security Test Generation. China National Computer Conference 2009, (CNCC2009), Tianjin, China, October 23-24, 2009..2017
- 22. Li X, Liu R, Feng Z, et al. Threat modeling-oriented attack path evaluating algorithm[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2009, 15(3): 162-167, EI20093012214314..2017
- 21. 饶国政, 冯志勇, 李晓红. 通用的移动 Agent 系统快速集成开发环境[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2006, 42(35): 88-90..2017
- 20. 李晓红, 刘莹, 袁小雯. 动态供应链谈判代理的设计及实现[J]. 工业工程, 2006, 9(2): 72-76..2017
- 19. Xiaohong L, Zhiyong F, Li L. A template language for agent construction[C]//International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006: 32-38, EI062910015055. .2017
- 18. Xiaohong L, Danjie Y, Zhiyong F. Design and implementation of negotiation agent of dynamic supply chain[C]//Information Technology and Applications, 2005. ICITA 2005. Third International Conference on. IEEE, 2005, 1: 250-255, EI06229905657..2017
- 17. 冯志勇, 金辉, 李晓红. 基于聚类方法的 CAPP 零件知识库构建[J]. 天津大学学报: 自然科学与工程技术版, 2004, 37(9): 831-835, EI04518734281.2017
- 16. 李晓红, 冯志勇, 孙济洲, 等. 基于 PVM 的并行辐射度声学仿真算法[J]. 天津大学学报: 自然科学与工程技术版, 2004, 37(8): 709-712, EI04488687201。.2017
- 15. Li X, Zhang X, Li D. Acoustic simulation in architecture with parallel algorithm[C]//Fourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2004, 5444: 212-219, EI04238194968..2017
- 14. 张新荣, 左建中, 张钢, 等. 基于小波变换的视觉信号特征提取方法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2003, 25(4): 557-561..2017
- 13. 冯志勇, 李晓红, 方益. 面向 Internet 的弱耦合 CAPP 体系架构及其实现[J]. 制造业自动化, 2003, 25(6): 24-26..2017
- 12. 李晓红, 杨丹婕. 移动 Agent 在工程设计中的应用[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2003, 20(2): 51-53..2017
- 11. 李晓红, 冯志勇, 孙济洲. 基于移动 Agent 建立企业动态供应链[J]. 天津大学学报: 自然科学与工程技术版, 2003, 36(2): 230-233, EI03387642980。.2017
- 10. Hui J, Zhiyong F, Xiaohong L. Agent-based implementation for automatic process planning[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2002, 8(1): 52-55..2017
- 9. Fang Y, Feng Z, Li X. Product-oriented workflow management in CAPP[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering(English Edition), 2002, 15(4): 289-292, EI 03127407796。 .2017
- 8. 李晓红, 冯志勇. 基于 CORBA 的多级客户机/服务器体系结构及其在工程中的应用[J]. 内蒙古工业大学学报: 自然科学版, 2002, 21(2): 128-133..2017
- 7. 李晓红, 张新荣, 孙济洲, 等. 虚拟环境中声模拟关键技术研究[J]. 声学技术, 2002 (3): 145-149..2017
- 6. 李晓红, 冯志勇. 基于 CORBA 多级客户机/服务器体系的 ERP 系统[J]. 制造业自动化, 2002, 24(11): 38-42..2017
- 5. 李晓红, 张新荣, 孙济洲, 等. 虚拟环境中声模拟的衍射处理[J]. 电声技术, 2001 (8): 3-6. .2017
- 4. 李晓红, 冯志勇. 网络多媒体信息传输同步失调控制研究[J]. 内蒙古大学学报: 自然科学版, 1999, 30(1): 111-115. .2017
- 3. 李晓红, 张新荣. 用辐射度算法计算厅堂声学传递特性[J]. 电声技术, 1999 (8): 16-19..2017
- 2. 冯志勇, 李晓红, 李颖. 制造业的发展与未来[J]. 内蒙古工业大学学报, 1998(1):23-29..2017
- 1. 李晓红, 冯志勇. 神经计算机研究进展[J]. 内蒙古大学学报: 自然科学版, 1997, 28(6): 842-848..2017
- 2002.9-2005.7 Tianjin University Computer Application and Technology 博士
- 1996.9-1999.3 Tianjin University Computer Application 硕士
2001.5 -2017.10
|Tianjin University; School of Computer Science and Technology|Ph.D; Associate Professor; Professor
2010.8 -2011.3
|National University of Singapore; School of Computer|Visiting Scholar
1993.9 -1996.9
|Inner Mongolia University of Technology|Lecturer
1987.7 -1993.9
|Inner Mongolia Chemical Fiber Plant|Assistant Engineer
Institute of Software and Information Security Engineering, Tianjin University
团队名称:Institute of Software and Information Security Engineering, Tianjin University