- 教师名称:李晓红
- 教师拼音名称:XiaoHong Li
- 性别:女
- 职务:Dean of Computer and Information Technology Dept.
- 职称:教授
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63. Zhang C, Li X, Hu J, et al. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Fairness Characterization of E-Commerce Protocols[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014,(2014-6-1), 2014, 2014(7):1-10. (SSCI 三区).(UT WOS 000337377800001)
上一条:64. Li X, Li X, Xu G, et al. Formal Analysis of Fairness for Optimistic Multiparty Contract Signing Protocol[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014,(2014-6-17), 2014, 2014(2014):1-10. (SSCI 三区).(UT WOS 000338085600001) 下一条:62. Xie X, Li X, Liu Y, et al. Automatic Verification for Later-Correspondence of Security Protocols[C]// International Workshop on Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method. Springer, Cham, 2014:111-126.