- 教师名称:李晓红
- 教师拼音名称:XiaoHong Li
- 性别:女
- 职务:Dean of Computer and Information Technology Dept.
- 职称:教授
1. Disjunctive Loop Summary via Path Dependency Analysis,ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award,2016.11.(Best Paper Award, CCF A)2017-10-19
2. The first prize of Hubei Province Science and Technology Awards, cooperated with Wuhan University, 2015, 《可信软件构造方法与技术》。2017-10-19
3. An excellent thesis for master's degree of Tianjin, 2015.6, 《Android手机恶意彩信拦截系统的设计与实现》。2017-10-19
4. An excellent thesis for master's degree of Tianjin, 2014. 4, 《网络协议的形式化建模与基于模型检测的攻击发现》。2017-10-19
5. An excellent thesis for master's degree of Tianjin, 2014. 4, 《浏览器扩展行为自动测试系统的设计与实现》。2017-10-19
6. An excellent thesis for master's degree of Tianjin, 2013. 4, 《基于缺陷分析与测试评审的软件可信性评价体系》。2017-10-19
7. The third prize of Android Developer Challenge of North China Competition Zone, cooperated with Google, 2012, “万能手势”。2017-10-19
8. The title of outstanding communist party member of Tianjin University, 2011。2017-10-19
9. The title of outstanding communist party member of Tianjin educational system, 2011。2017-10-19
10. The third prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Awards, 2010.1, 《基于语义Web的物流管理系统研究》。2017-10-19
11. The March-eighth Red-banner Pacesetter Title of Tianjin University, 2009.3。2017-10-19
12. An excellent adviser in undergraduate graduation thesis, 2008。2017-10-19