

  • 教师拼音名称:Jinhai Huang
  • 出生日期:1970-01-17
  • 职务:Vice Dean
  • 性别:男
  • 职称:教授
  • 所属院系:生命科学学院


Molecular Immunology


  • 对应教学计划:The course is divided into 10-12 blocks (topics) that contain 2-3 research papers interpretation.
  • 课程负责人:Huang Jinhai
  • 课程介绍:This rigorous course mainly deals with the molecular biology of Immunology, and is specifically designed for master students who have completed undergraduate-level courses in microbiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. The course will include didactic lectures on the current state of knowledge in immunology, and will also focus on teaching students how to read, critique and present papers from the primary scientific literature. Learning activities will include student p
  • 考试形式:Grading will be based upon oral presentation (30%), paper critiques (60%), and class participation (10)%).
  • 授课教师:Jinhai Huang
  • 开课学期:秋学期
  • 课程号:S226G002
  • 学分:2.0
  • 课程类型:研究生课程
  • 是否精品课程:否
  • 总学时:32.0