M. L. Hu, C. Y. Wang, Y. J. Song, Y. F. Li, L. Chai, E. E. Serebryannikov, and A. M. Zheltikov, "A hollow beam from a holey fiber," Optics Express 14, 4128-4134 (2006).
上一条:M. L. Hu, C. Y. Wang, Y. F. Li, L. Chai, and A. M. Zheltikov, "Tunable supercontinuum generation in a high-index-step photonic-crystal fiber with a comma-shaped core," Optics Express 14, 1942-1950 (2006).
下一条:M. L. Hu, C. Y. Wang, Y. J. Song, Y. F. Li, L. Chai, E. E. Serebryannikov, and A. M. Zheltikov, "Mode-selective mapping and control of vectorial nonlinear-optical processes in multimode photonic-crystal fibers," Optics Express 14, 1189-1198 (2006).