- 教师拼音名称:Hu Minglie
- 出生日期:1978-02-04
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
- 所属院系:精密仪器与光电子工程学院
- 3d2f11f7ab7a6b83cf35d37278eb02ff43b07a04918f4fa517f63e4e0c1027f1c3afc9013d727abb7adc35dedd02886b0a3c53ec669ee4bf7a3d324974ca840519fbee519693cba5de11017064a2a7cfe85253d45554f7c20fcedf7409dbc00251ac6f7efa21e1a02f80a5a313a679e33a0f5fb1518b91e4d358fb0a3cbefd0c
- 4a43970d1f848c19403b12d98104407b3aa70bc3d36b5245f642df671b2b5f696ab12e1c02b36ad06525fea29b0ec35c8331364ae9ec143309953394e2f13b91df82693b9a4baade88232998edb4ac142739d14c18de227a148f65622bf28bed2be8d1305c8e84666da025bc06de4383357f9c73920f3b5c454c96ea924d4c5b
- 28b23addeb0eca76b50b2c4a5f41ebc698bfe3a906ef547919cefb1cd0496867cd900ea0e5b4ef907385aba2cb8648e24bb1e474616403f6eff734344c2de4e9876d275a78a759852333c4cbfeb342387f83e52844d2fd85f9668b08b79365d5a442889772d4f94b53de1aee8abebd7efd115b0158550a9d2deee780dc89943bbbc125e3571969f305a17d5b661f41274ace6ed16831cb3e4eba74b868d6918ec580b9f6e2e53ca8ef1c63d15f3b71e07d0486a907c47b5fdce3dd84c25b2f4ea38f867f6c65afb5d2de29e2d5c0c56f50a9760aa73c7e23c486fbb8ae2c2902bf3f1f86c71b1be8e8e50968af09e52f7ad2fc24a445a7278bf4689586fd00b8
- 680ca8cd5f670af6f1de346b89186bda18021d8943ee5dab7f601c9500bfa8d7c4b054907396f8a156b959436276da8b56eadf03ab8ba7ab2c645db391e5415255f8df863bbffcb9d4e7d9693e05de90e6a4198a39bdab525be8c4c9f888af49a88db77daaaf3f40aa53aa65d0ed98304dd0891737f51c0651bcf92de9ed65e8
- 2329d1488844ffd8dba8d8b4e0778b92ff275e50a3c6b60b83e339337f5295359e277a1e6c393c9a6f51a2a1ed27195242e4bec8bb6d1714675027380c1220c99212f8ec620f9e8b0c07f587d3f0308ffaa1b26c7315c46c7bb1ab8b40f5ae36c35be77e46e4bd97212bfae39671da6d95e407fa54502215da0a848f56349bcf
· J. T. Fan,W.Chen, C. L. Gu, Y.J. Song, L.Chai, C. Y. Wang, and M. L. Hu*,Noise characteristics of high power fiber-laser pumped femtosecond optical parametric generation, Optics Express 24, (2017).
· W. Liu, J. T. Fan, C. Xie, Y. J. Song, C. L. Gu, L. Chai, C. Y. Wang, and M. L. Hu*, "Programmable controlled mode-locked fiber laser using a digital micromirror device," Optics Letters 42, 1923-1926 (2017).
· J. T. Fan, C. L. Gu, C. Y. Wang, and M. L. Hu*, "Extended femtosecond laser wavelength range to 330 nm in a high power LBO based optical parametric oscillator," Optics Express 24, 13250-13257 (2016).
· S. He, S. Amoruso, D. Pang, C. Wang, and M. L. Hu*, "Chromatic annuli formation and sample oxidation on copper thin films by femtosecond laser," Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (2016).
· L. L. Huang, M. L. Hu*, X. H. Fang, B. W. Liu, L. Chai, and C. Y. Wang, "Generation of 110-W sub-100-fs Pulses at 100 MHz by Nonlinear Amplification Based on Multicore Photonic Crystal Fiber," Ieee Photonics Journal 8, 7 (2016).
· C. Gu, M. L. Hu*, J. Fan, Y. Song, B. Liu, L. Chai, C. Wang, and D. T. Reid, "High power tunable femtosecond ultraviolet laser source based on an Yb-fiber-laser pumped optical parametric oscillator," Optics Express 23, 6181-6186 (2015).
· C. Gu, M. L. Hu*, J. Fan, Y. Song, B. Liu, and C. Wang, "High-power, dual-wavelength femtosecond LiB3O5 optical parametric oscillator pumped by fiber laser," Optics Letters 39, 3896-3899 (2014).
· X.-h. Fang, M. L. Hu*, L.-l. Huang, L. Chai, N.-l. Dai, J.-y. Li, A. Y. Tashchilina, A. M. Zheltikov, and C.-y. Wang, "Multiwatt octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in multicore photonic-crystal fiber," Optics Letters 37, 2292-2294 (2012).
· M. L. Hu, C. Y. Wang, Y. F. Li, L. Chai, and A. M. Zheltikov, "Tunable supercontinuum generation in a high-index-step photonic-crystal fiber with a comma-shaped core," Optics Express 14, 1942-1950 (2006).
· M. L. Hu, C. Y. Wang, Y. J. Song, Y. F. Li, L. Chai, E. E. Serebryannikov, and A. M. Zheltikov, "A hollow beam from a holey fiber," Optics Express 14, 4128-4134 (2006).