Dawei Song, Yanjie Shi, Peng Zhang, Qiang Huang, Udo Kruschwitz, Yuexian Hou, Bo Wang. Incorporating Intra-Query Term Dependencies in an Aspect Query Language Model. Computational Intelligenc, Vol31, No.4, p699-720. 2015 CCF-B
上一条:Yinghui Wang, Bo Wang*, Xunlun Li. A Case Study of Mining and Correlation Analysis of Public Security Events in Heterogeneous and Unstructured Web Messages. In Proceedings of the 13th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference, WISA’16.
下一条:Yuexian Hou, Bo Wang*, Dawei Song, Xiaochun Cao, Wenjie Li, Quadratic Tsallis Entropy Bias and Generalized Maximum Entropy models, Computational Intelligence, Vol.30, No.2, p 233–262. 2014 CCF-B