- 教师拼音名称:Wang Bo
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
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· Bo Wang*, Yingjun Sun, Bo Han, Yuexian Hou, Dawei Song. Extending the Balance Theory by Measuring Bidirectional Opinions with Interactive Language. In Proceedings of the 26th international conference on World Wide Web, Poster, WWW'17 CCF-A
· Bo Wang*, Yingjun Sun, Yuexian Hou, Dawei Song, Position vs. Attitude: How Topological Factors Influence Our Difference in the Attitudes on Online Interrelationships? A Case Study with Language Use. COLLABORATECOM 2017 CCF-C
· Bo Wang*, Yanshu Yu, Peng Zhang. Investigation of the Subjective Asymmetry of Social Interrelationship with Interactive Language. In Proceedings of the 25th international conference on World Wide Web, p121-122, Poster, WWW'16 CCF-A
· Ruifang He*, Jiliang Tang, Pinghua Gong, Qinghua Hu, Bo Wang. Multi-Document Summarization via Group Sparse Learning. Information Sciences, Vol349-350, p12-24. 2016 CCF-B
· Yinghui Wang, Bo Wang*, Xunlun Li. A Case Study of Mining and Correlation Analysis of Public Security Events in Heterogeneous and Unstructured Web Messages. In Proceedings of the 13th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference, WISA’16.
· Dawei Song, Yanjie Shi, Peng Zhang, Qiang Huang, Udo Kruschwitz, Yuexian Hou, Bo Wang. Incorporating Intra-Query Term Dependencies in an Aspect Query Language Model. Computational Intelligenc, Vol31, No.4, p699-720. 2015 CCF-B
· Yuexian Hou, Bo Wang*, Dawei Song, Xiaochun Cao, Wenjie Li, Quadratic Tsallis Entropy Bias and Generalized Maximum Entropy models, Computational Intelligence, Vol.30, No.2, p 233–262. 2014 CCF-B
· Bo Wang*, Ming Zhou, Shujie Liu,Mu Li, Dongdong Zhang Woodpecker: An Automatic Methodology for Machine Translation Diagnosis with Rich Linguistic Knowledge, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.30, No.5, p1407-1424, September 2014.
· Bo Wang*, Yuanyuan Zhang, Qian Xu, Sentence-level Combination of Machine Translation Outputs with Syntactically Hybridized Translations, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. Vol.E97-D, No.1.2014, 164-167.
· Bo Wang*, Yingjun Sun, Cheng Tang, Yang Liu, A Visualization Toolkit for Online Social Network Propagation and Influence Analysis With Content Features, In Proc. ICOT 2014.