Academic Achievements
Tan Z,Zhang Y,Xie C, et al.Near-band-edge electroluminescence from heavy-metal-free colloidal quantum dots [J].Advanced Materials,2011,23 (31):3553-3558..2019
Xie C,Zhang Y,Wang A Y, et al.Stability investigation of cuins2 based heavy-metal free nanocrystals [A].2010 MRS Fall Meeting, November 29, 2010 - December 3, 2010[C].Boston, MA, United states:2011.13-18..2019
Zhang Y,Xie C,Su H, et al.Employing heavy metal-free colloidal quantum dots in solution-processed white light-emitting diodes [J].Nano Letters,2011,11 (2):329-332..2019
Komarala V K,Xie C,Wang Y Q, et al.Time-resolved photoluminescence properties of cuins2/zns nanocrystals: Influence of intrinsic defects and external impurities [J].Journal of Applied Physics,2012,111 (12):1243141-1243144..2019
Zhi M J,Wang J K,Wang Y L, et al.Degradation kinetics and aqueous degradation pathway of cloxacillin sodium [J].Chemical Engineering & Technology,2012,35 (6):986-990..2019
Hu X,Wang Y,Zhao Y, et al.Solvent effect on crystal structure of tetracycline hydrochloride [J].Chemical Engineering & Technology,2013,36 (8):1355-1358..2019