- 教师名称:焦魁
- 教师拼音名称:Jiao Kui
- 出生日期:1984-06-16
- 性别:男
- 职务:国家储能技术产教融合创新平台常务副主任
- 职称:教授
16. W Li, Z Bao, Q Gao, Q Du*, K Jiao*. Investigation of novel pulse preheating strategies for lithium-ion batteries at subzero temperature based on a multi-level CFD platform. eTransportation 19, 100307 (2024).
17. W Li, Z Bao, Q Gao, J Wang, Q Du*, K Jiao*. Insights into lithium plating characteristics enable plating-free heating strategy for bidirectional pulse utilizing a refined physics-based model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 238, 126440 (2024).
18. H Tao, K Yang, B Wang, B Hou, K Wu, Z Qin, B Luo, J Kang, Q Du, K Jiao*. Numerical study of gas crossover effect on hydrogen-oxygen proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 234, 126060 (2024).
19. Y Liu, Z Bao*, J Chen, F Lv, K Jiao*. Design of a partially narrowed flow channel with a sub-distribution zone for the water management of large-size proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Energy 310, 133292 (2024).
20. L Fan, R Zuo, Y Zhou, A Ran, X Li, Q Du, K Jiao*. Deep-learning-assisted insights into molecular transport in heterogeneous electrolyte films on electrodes. Cell Reports Physical Science 5, 9 (2024).
21. W Huo, B Liu, W Xu, B Xie, L Fan*, M Benbouzid, Y Xu, T Ding, C Fang, F Gao, Y Amirat, F Li*, K Jiao*. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 230, 125780 (2024).
22. Z Gong, B Wang*, M Benbouzid, B Li, Y Xu, K Yang, Z Bao, Y Amirat, F Gao*, K Jiao*. Cross-domain diagnosis for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell based on digital twins and transfer learning network. Energy and AI 17, 100412 (2024).
23. Y Zhou, L Fan*, J Wang, Q Du, K Jiao*. Revealing local oxygen transport in ionomer films on multidimensional nanoscale catalysts in fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. DOI: 10.1039/d4ta01633e (2024).
24. L Wu, G Zhang*, X Shi, Z Pan, B Xie, W Huo, K Jiao*, L An*. All-scale investigation of a commercial proton exchange membrane fuel cell with partially narrow channels. Journal of Power Sources 589, 233779 (2024).
25. Z Wang, K Chen, J Han, X Zhang, B Wang, Q Du, K Jiao*. Anion exchange membranes for fuel cells: equilibrium water content and conductivity characterization. Advanced Functional Materials 33, 40, 2303857 (2023).
26. Z Gong, B Wang, Y Xing, Y Xu, Z Qin, Y Chen, F Zhang, F Gao, B Li*, Y Yin, Q Du, K Jiao*. High-precision and efficiency diagnosis for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell based on physical mechanism and deep learning. eTransportation 18, 100275 (2023).
27. B Xie, H Zhang, W Huo, R Wang, Y Zhu, L Wu, G Zhang*, M Ni*, K Jiao*. Large-scale three-dimensional simulation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell considering detailed water transition mechanism. Applied Energy 331, 120469 (2023).
28. G Zhang, L Wu, C Tongsh, Z Qu*, S Wu, B Xie, W Huo, Q Du, H Wang, L An, N Wang, J Xuan, W Chen*, F Xi, Z Wang, K Jiao*. Structure Design for Ultrahigh Power Density Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. Small Methods 7, 3, 2201537 (2023).
29. L Wu, G Zhang*, B Xie, W Huo, K Jiao*, L An*. Elucidating the automobile proton exchange membrane fuel cell of innovative double-cell structure by full-morphology simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 217, 124666 (2023).
30. W Huo, P Wu, B Xie, Q Du, J Liang, Z Qin, G Zhang, I Sarani, W Xu, B Liu, B Wang, Y Yin, J Lin, K Jiao*. Elucidating non-uniform assembling effect in large-scale PEM fuel cell by coupling mechanics and performance models. Energy Conversion and Management 277, 116668 (2023).