- 教师拼音名称:Gao Xin
- 出生日期:1984-05-21
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
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- 6abde08f81ef7437de831b578cd57a9f4715827d04bdba3ebacaa82848d136095032da23af3ece5e5af40425a8e18f9e8bec56afbf1eb2619c2cc2a1b1dec0253173e2031eb590dafcb1a98b7a3b47482d867ab459d1e2f7178bd9487087dce9c2d7ad8f8b94733f53b09acee19f6cd523b0862007f5973bcd502843c83cbe17
- 80738a3dde81391cb9a7253b3a9564ba46e006fdeda2e8e8180e4c8daabca3c621b52a576c10c0f7a8fc89f7bfb61efd46d225e1452c1482cd03a8541b379a647318a7bbe33ea1015e3202b305ee475c4c9c708941f6a648aa2ebbe31f1b0961d537e4b501a4e29de5e55add97ab79914c91838ea25fc884b155cc1399fbf097
- 9cc9e4ce58fbf83393ec48b20dd92848ca3078117875680123bdd7f72ff0961d5a315bb1a5887ed5943d3249d45d24cf58921f3a692d1cdf56e2f0f321b2dfdac7c7376759c5396c02f244d941eb1797c4fcf90a04175a7f67cd36632ddf822dc1b9d3908eed0533424ec115bb9173a7cbb41b879360aa74a0d0185c87120abf
· 21、 Hong Li, Ying Meng, Dandan Shu, Zhenyu Zhao, Yongjin Yang, Jinsong Zhang, Xingang Li, Xiaolei Fan*, Xin Gao*. Breaking the Equilibrium at the Interface: Microwave-Assisted Reactive Distillation (MARD). Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 4(4): 688-694. (Inside Back Cover Article)
· 22、Zisheng Zhang, Kailong Liu, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Alternative integration strategies for energy recovery and simultaneous separation of oil sands pyrolysis products. Fuel, 2019, 249: 400-410.
· 23、 Hong Li, Jing Li, Xiaolei Fan, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Insights into the synergetic effect for co-pyrolysis of oil sands and biomass using microwave irradiation. Fuel, 2019, 239: 219-229.
· 24、 Xingang Li#, Peng Yan#, Sida Zhao, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Fabrication and Hydrodynamics Performance of Modified Sieve Tray with Janus Feature. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 216: 74-82.
· 25、 Xingang Li, Chengtian Cui, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Process synthesis and simulation-based optimization of ethylbenzene/styrene separation using double-effect heat integration and self-heat recuperation technology: A techno-economic analysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 228: 115760.
· 26、 Xingang Li, Fangzhou Wang, Duo Zhang, Sai Gu*, Xin Gao*. Fluid-solid interaction simulation for particles and walls of arbitrary polygonal shapes with a coupled LBM-IMB-DEM method. Powder Technology, 2019, 356: 177-192.
· 27、 Xingang Li, Chengtian Cui, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Process Synthesis and Simultaneous Optimization of Extractive Distillation System Integrated with Organic Rankine Cycle and Economizer for Waste Heat Recovery. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019, 102: 61-72.
· 28、 Xin Gao, Dandan Shu, Xingang Li, Hong Li*. Improved film evaporator for mechanistic understanding of microwave-induced separation process. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 759-771. (Back Cover Article)
· 29、Xin Gao, Shibin Tu, Xingang Li, Hong Li*. Feasibility evaluation of reactive distillation process for the production of fuel ethanol from methyl acetate hydrotreating. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2019, 139: 34-43.
· 30、 Ying Meng#, Hong Li#, Jing Zeng, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. A novel potential application of SiC ceramic foam material to distillation: Structured corrugation foam packing. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 150: 254-262.