- 教师名称:程占军
- 教师拼音名称:Cheng Zhanjun
- 出生日期:1985-08-25
- 性别:男
- 职务:副院长
- 学科:环境工程/热能工程
- 职称:教授
S. R. He, J. L. Wang, Z. J. Cheng*, H. Y. Dong, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Synergetic effect and primary reaction network of corn cob and cattle manure in single and mixed hydrothermal liquefaction, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2021, 155, 105076.
Z. J. Cheng, W. H. Yin, J. Tian; W. He, J. L. Wang, J. Z. Yang*, L. L. Xing*, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of di-n-propyl ether pyrolysis at low and atmospheric pressures. Fuel, 2021, 298, 120797.
J. L. Wang, J. Tian, L. L. Xing, S. R. He, Z. J. Cheng*, L. X. Wei*, Y. Zhang, C. C. Cao, J. Z. Yang, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of furfural pyrolysis at low and atmospheric pressures, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021, 157, 105161.
J. L. Wang, S. R. He, Z. J. Cheng*, L. X. Wei*, J. Wang, J. Z. Yang, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of the low-temperature oxidation of 2-methylfuran in a jet-stirred reactor, Combustion and Flame, 2021, 233, 111588.
L. L. Xing*, L. C. Lian, X. T. Wang, J. T. Cui, Z. J. Cheng*, Hydrogen shift isomerizations in the kinetics of the first and second oxidation mechanism of diethyl ether combustion, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2021, 1202, 113340
L. L. Xing, L. C. Lian, J. T. Cui, J. L. Wang, Z. J. Cheng*, X. Wang, Ab initio and kinetics study of the thermal unimolecular decomposition of 2-furfuryl alcohol, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2021, 1202, 113327.
P. D. Li, W. He, J. L. Wang, S. B. Song, J. Wang, T. L. Lv, J. Z. Yang, Z. J. Cheng*, L. X. Wei*, Experimental and kinetic modeling investigations on low-temperature oxidation of 2-ethylfuran in a jet-stirred reactor, Combustion and Flame, 2022, 241, 112098.
Z. J. Cheng*, H. Wang, W. H. Yin, J. L. Wang, W. Li*, Z. D. Wang, L. L. Xing, X. Z. Gao, B. W. Mei, Y. Zhang, J. Z. Yang, L. X. Wei, X. Zhong, H. Wang, Y. Y. Li, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Experimental and kinetic modeling study of di-n-propyl ether and diisopropyl ether combustion: Pyrolysis and laminar flame propagation velocity. Combustion and Flame 2022, 237, 111809.
F. W Lin, Z. M. Zhang, L. Xiang, L. Y. Zhang, Z. J. Cheng*, Z. H. Wang*, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Efficient degradation of multiple Cl-VOCs by catalytic ozonation over MnOx catalysts with different support, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 435, 134807.
C. Chen, R. Liang, Y. D. Ge, J. Li, B. B. Yan, Z. J. Cheng*, J. Y. Tao*, Z. Y. Wang, M. Li, G. Y. Chen, Fast Characterization of biomass pyrolysis oil via combination of ATR-FTIR and machine learning models, Renewable Energy, 2022, 194, 220-231.
Y. S. Wang, W. Z. Peng, J. Wang, G. Y. Chen, N. Li*, Y. J. Song. Z. J. Cheng*, B. B. Yan, L. A. Hou, S. B. Wang, Sulfamethoxazole degradation by regulating active sites on distilled spirits lees-derived biochar in a continuous flow fixed bed peroxymonosulfate reactor, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 310, 121342.
B. B. Yan, Z. B. Liu, J. Wang, Y. D. Ge, J. Y. Tao*, Z. J. Cheng*, G. Y. Chen, Mn-doped Ca2Fe2O5 oxygen carrier for chemical looping gasification of biogas residue: Effect of oxygen uncoupling, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 137086.
X. Q. Cui, J. T. Wang, X. T. Wang, G. Y. Du, K. Y. Khan, B. B. Yan, Z. J. Cheng*, G. Y. Chen, Pyrolysis of exhausted hydrochar sorbent for cadmium separation and biochar regeneration, Chemosphere, 2022, 306, 135546.
J. L. Wang, W. M. Ding, X. Z. Gao, H. Wang, W. Li, Q. Xu, X. Zhong, Z. J. Cheng*, Z. D. Wang, J. Z. Yang, L. Zhao, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Experimental and kinetic model studies on the pyrolysis of 2-furfuryl alcohol at two reactors: flow reactor and jet-stirred reactor. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 244,112275.
J. L. Wang, X. Z. Gao, W. M. Ding, P. P. Luan, X. Zhong, W. Li, T. L. Lv, Z. J. Cheng*, L. X. Wei, J. Z. Yang, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of low- to moderate-temperature oxidation of 2-furfuryl alcohol in a jet-stirred reactor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39, 455-465.