- 教师名称:王星
- 教师拼音名称:Wang Xing
- 出生日期:1986-07-16
- 性别:男
- 职务:none
- 学科:海洋技术
- 职称:讲师
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Xing Wang received the B.S. degree in Remote Sensing Science and Technoloty from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2008 and the Ph.D. degree in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing from the School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, in 2015.
He is currently a Lecturer with the School of Marine Science and Technology, Tianjin University. His research interests include remote sensing image processing and analysis, coastal surveying and mapping, coastal remote sensing, marine remote sensing.
- Le Yang, Jingsheng Zhai, Xing Wang.A Graph-Cut-Based Method for Road Labels MakingWith OSM Data.IEEE Geoscience a....2022,19
- 杨乐,王星 ,翟京生.Waterline Extraction for Artificial Coast With Vision Transformers.Frontiers in Envi....2022,10
- Lin Ding, Xing Wang, Deren Li.Visual Saliency Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Object-Oriented Random Walk Model.IEEE Journal of S....2022,15 :4698-4707
- Na Liu,Shaoyang Chen,Zhenyan Cheng,Xing Wang et al.Long-term prediction of sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration based on the combination of spatio-temporal features.Water Research.2022,211
- Le Yang, Xing Wang, Cuicui Zhang, Jingsheng Zhai*.Road Extraction Based on Level Set Approach From Very High-Resolution Images With Volunteered Geographic Information.IEEE Access.2020,8 :178587-178599
- 王星.A Novel Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Method Based on Visual Salient Point Features.Sensor Review.2014,34 (4):349-359
- Xing Wang.Rotation-Invariant Bivariate Features for Texture Image Retrieval.Proceedings of 20....2017,2 :1521-1525
- Jun Liu.Thin cloud removal from single satellite images.Optics Express.2014,22 (1):618-632
- Jun Liu.Illumination and Contrast Balancing for Remote Sensing Images.Remote Sensing.2014,6 (2):1102-1123
- Min Chen,Rongjun Qin,Haiqing He,Qing Zhu,Xing Wang.A Local Distinctive Features Matching Method for Remote Sensing Images with Repetitive Patterns.Photogrammetric E....2018,84 (8):513-524
- 2008.9-2015.6 武汉大学 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 博士
- 2004.9-2008.6 武汉大学 遥感科学与技术 学士
2015.7 -2023.6