- 教师名称:王星
- 教师拼音名称:Wang Xing
- 出生日期:1986-07-16
- 性别:男
- 职务:none
- 学科:海洋技术
- 职称:讲师
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欢迎访问王星的个人主页! > 学术成就 > 论文成果
- Le Yang, Jingsheng Zhai, Xing Wang. A Graph-Cut-Based Method for Road Labels MakingWith OSM Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2022,19
- 杨乐,王星 ,翟京生. Waterline Extraction for Artificial Coast With Vision Transformers. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022,10
- Lin Ding, Xing Wang, Deren Li. Visual Saliency Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Object-Oriented Random Walk Model. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2022,15 :4698-4707
- Na Liu,Shaoyang Chen,Zhenyan Cheng,Xing Wang et al. Long-term prediction of sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration based on the combination of spatio-temporal features. Water Research. 2022,211
- Le Yang, Xing Wang, Cuicui Zhang, Jingsheng Zhai*. Road Extraction Based on Level Set Approach From Very High-Resolution Images With Volunteered Geographic Information. IEEE Access. 2020,8 :178587-178599
- 王星. A Novel Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Method Based on Visual Salient Point Features. Sensor Review. 2014,34 (4):349-359
- Xing Wang. Rotation-Invariant Bivariate Features for Texture Image Retrieval. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing. 2017,2 :1521-1525
- Jun Liu. Thin cloud removal from single satellite images. Optics Express. 2014,22 (1):618-632
- Jun Liu. Illumination and Contrast Balancing for Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing. 2014,6 (2):1102-1123
- Min Chen,Rongjun Qin,Haiqing He,Qing Zhu,Xing Wang. A Local Distinctive Features Matching Method for Remote Sensing Images with Repetitive Patterns. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 2018,84 (8):513-524