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郭晶; 李云帅*; 于胜尧; 张建新 ; 南阿尔金巴什瓦克榴辉岩的确定及其变质演化:对南阿尔金超高压 变质作用的启示, 地质学报, 2021, 95(12): 3691-3704
Release time:2022-02-24 Hits:
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Next One:Yunshuai Li, Jianxin Zhang, Shengyao Yu, Yanguang Li, Hu Guo, Jian Zhang, Changlei Fu, Hui Cao, Mengqi Jin, Zhihui Cai. 2020. Petrological,geochronological and geochemical potential accounting for continental subduction and exhumation: A case study on felsic granulites from South Altyn Tagh, northwestern China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132(11-12), 2611-2630.