- 教师名称:李永丽
- 教师拼音名称:Li Yongli
- 出生日期:1963-08-18
- 性别:女
- 学科:Electrical Engineering
- 职称:教授
Yongli Li, Shuo Zhang, Botong Li, Yongchang Zhai, Weiya Zhang, Yao Nie: A Fault Location Method Based on Genetic Algorithm for High-voltage Direct Current Transmission Line. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 22(6): 866-878 (2012).
Weiya Zhang, Yongli Li, Xiaoyong Chang: Dynamical Investigation and Parameter Stability Region Analysis of a Flywheel Energy Storage System in Charging Mode, Chinese Physics B, 22(9): 1-14 (2013).
Weiya Zhang, Yongli Li: Singular Perturbation Theory-Based Qualitative Dynamics Investigation of Flywheel Energy Storage System in Discharge Mode, Journal of Applied Mathematics (2014).
Xiaolong Chen, Yongli Li: A nondestructive islanding detection method based on adaptive and periodic disturbance on reactive power output of inverter-based distributed generation. Journal of Applied Mathematics (2014).
Xiaolong Chen, Yongli Li: An islanding detection algorithm for inverter-based distributed generation based on reactive power control. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 29(9): 4672-4683 (2014).
Jiali He, Yongli Li. Protection Scheme and Practical Technology for Power System. China Electric Power Press, 2009.
Jiali He, Yongli Li, Xinzhou Dong ,Bin Li. Protection Scheme for Power System. China Electric Power Press, 2010.
Jiali He, Yongli Li, Bin Li, Yongchang Zhai. Protection and Control Technology for Extra High Voltage AC/DC Transmission. China Electric Power Press, 2014.
Yongli Li, Botong Li. Control method of constant voltage discharge in flywheel energy storage system. Authorized number: 2011100339017, authorized date: 22 January 2013.
Yongli Li, Botong Li. Voltage accelerated anti-time overcurrent protection method for micro-grid. Authorized number: 201110210267X, authorized date: 24 September 2013.
Yongli Li, Xiaolong Chen. An islanding detection method in micro-grid. Authorized number: 2012103195163, authorized date: 15 October 2014.
Yongli Li, Weiya Zhang, Xiaoyong Chang, Nan Wang. A discharge depth control method for a flywheel energy storage system connected to a DC micro-grid. Authorized number: 2013104661634, authorized date: 19 August 2015.
Yongli Li, Xiaolong Chen. A non-destructive islanding detection method based on adaptive reactive power disturbance in micro-grid. Authorized number: 2013103911488, authorized date: 19 August 2015.