- 教师名称:唐万生
- 教师拼音名称:Tang Wansheng
- 性别:男
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- A chaotic system with H?lder continuity.Nonlinear Dynamic....2019
- Some novel double-scroll chaotic attractors in Hopfield networks.Neurocomputing, 2....2019
- Random fuzzy renewal process.European Journal ....2019
- Random fuzzy delayed renewal processes.Soft Computing, 2....2019
- Analysis and control for a new chaotic system via piecewise linear feedback.Chaos, Solitons &....2019
- Control and synchronization for a class of new chaotic systems via linear feedback.Nonlinear Dynamic....2019
- Reliability and mean time to failure of unrepairable systems with fuzzy random lifetimes.IEEE Transactions....2019
- Principal-agent problem in a fuzzy environment.IEEE Transactions....2019
- Existence and exponential stability of periodic solution for BAM neural networks with periodic coefficients and delays.Neurocomputing, 2....2019
- Some properties of fuzzy random renewal processes.IEEE Transactions....2019
- Exponential stability of fuzzy cellular neural networks with constant and time-varying delays.Physics Letters A....2019
- Fuzzy random delayed renewal process and fuzzy random equilibrium renewal process.Journal of Intell....2019
- Fuzzy age-dependent replacement policy and SPSA algorithm based-on fuzzy simulation.Information Scien....2019
- Fuzzy random renewal process and renewal reward process.Fuzzy Optimizatio....2019
- Random fuzzy EOQ model with imperfect quality items.Fuzzy Optimizatio....2019
- The expected value of a function of a fuzzy variable with a continuous membership function.Computers and Mat....2019
- Optimal run lengths in deteriorating production processes in random fuzzy environments.Computers & Indus....2019
- Optimal production run length in deteriorating production processes with fuzzy elapsed time.Computers & Indus....2019
- Metric spaces of fuzzy variables.Computers & Indus....2019
- Output feedback H∞ control for uncertain piecewise linear systems,.Journal of Dynami....2019
- Color image associative memory on a class of Cohen–Grossberg networks.Pattern Recogniti....2019
- Dynamic analysis of unstable Hopfield networks.Nonlinear Dynamic....2019
- Similarity measures between fuzzy variables and their application to pattern recognition.Information: An I....2019
- Supply chain coordination by revenue-sharing contract with fuzzy demand.Journal of Intell....2019
- Optimal guaranteed cost control of uncertain stochastic complex delayed dynamical networks.Stochastics and D....2019
- Learning associative memories by error backpropagation.IEEE Transactions....2019
- Fuzzy parametric statistical inference.Information: An I....2019
- A new chaotic Hopfield network with piecewise linear activation function.Chinese Physics B....2019
- Static Bayesian games with finite fuzzy types and the existence of equilibrium.Information Scien....2019
- Random fuzzy shock models and bivariate random fuzzy exponential distribution.Applied Mathemati....2019
- The coevolutionay ultimatum game on different network topologies.Physica A: Statis....2019
- Coevolution of structure and strategy promoting fairness in the ultimatum game.Chinese Physics L....2019
- Minimum risk criterion for uncertain production planning problems.Computers and Ind....2019
- Efficient continuous-time asymmetric Hopfield networks for memory retrieval.Neural Computatio....2019
- A simple method for designing efficient small-world neural networks.Neural Networks, ....2019
- A bilevel fuzzy principal-agent model for optimal nonlinear taxation problems.Fuzzy Optimizatio....2019
- Robust H∞ output feedback control for uncertain complex delayed dynamical networks.Computers and Mat....2019
- Output feedback optimal guaranteed cost control of uncertain piecewise linear systems.International Jou....2019
- Pricing decisions for substitutable products with a common retailer in fuzzy environments.European Journal ....2019
- A novel bounded 4D chaotic system.Nonlinear Dynamic....2019
- Pricing decision for substitutable products with retail competition in a fuzzy environment.International Jou....2019
- Random fuzzy alternating renewal processes.Soft Computing, 2....2019
- Risk model with fuzzy random individual claim amount.European Journal ....2019
- Analysis and design of asymmetric Hopfield networks with discrete-time dynamics.Biological Cybern....2019
- Approximate synchronization of two non-linear systems via impulsive control.Journal of System....2019
- Control of uncertain piecewise discrete-time linear systems via state and output feedback.Transactions of t....2019
- Guaranteed cost control of synchronization for uncertain complex delayed networks.nternational Jour....2019
- Robust H∞ control for impulsive switched complex delayed networks.Mathematical and ....2019
- Robust control for synchronization of singular complex delayed networks with stochastic switched coupling.International Jou....2019
- Optimal control for a class of chaotic systems.Journal of Applie....2019
- Analysis and synthesis of Cohen-Grossberg networks with asymmetric connections.Connection Scienc....2019
- Optimal inventory control of perishable products with inventory-level-dependent demand.Information: An I....2019
- Fuzzy EPQ inventory models with backorder.Journal of System....2019
- Estimating the ultimate bound and positively invariant set for a class of Hopfield networks.IEEE Transactions....2019
- Effects of some topological ingredients on the evolutionary ultimatum game.Communications in....2019