English 官网


  • 教师名称:冯卉
  • 教师拼音名称:Feng Hui
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1)FENG Hui, SONG Rui, GAO Xiaodong, WU Tongyu, DANG Jianwu. “Visualized correction of English Monophthongs: in the case of Tibetan speakers”, Journal of Tsinghua University (Sci&Technol), 2016, 56:1161-1165. [In Chinese]



上一条:2)FENG Hui,ZHU Lijiao,YAO Jian. “Monophthongal Changes in Received Pronunciation”, Journal of Tianjin University (Social science), 2016, 6:541-546. [In Chinese] 下一条:3)FENG Hui, AN Shourong, ZHU Lijiao. “Reflections on identity construction of college English majors”, Social Sciences on Chinese Youth,2015, 5:107-111.[In Chinese]

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