- 教师拼音名称:Liu Dongyi
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
- · Descent Symmetrical Polak-Ribiere-Polyak Conjugate Gradient Method
- · Spectral method and its application to the conjugate gradient method
- · Symmetric Perry conjugate gradient method
- · Applying Powell's symmetrical technique to conjugate gradient methods
- · Design of controllers and compensators of a serially connected string system and its Riesz basis
- · Abstract second order hyperbolic system and applications to controlled network of strings
- · Exponential stability of string system with variable coefficients under non-collocated feedback controls, Asian Journal of Control, 2011,
- · Riesz Basis and Stability Analysis of the Feedback Controlled Networks of 1-D Wave equations
- · Super-stability and the spectrum of one-dimensional wave equations on general feedback controlled networks
- · Stabilization of one-dimensional wave equations coupled with an ODE system on general tree-shaped networks