- 教师拼音名称:Liu Dongyi
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
- 9632a3b2146bf4b15af94fc87887ce0dc7ec730e090646636110aee560277311106ee1b11e84325c33f687ca652fba566df8dc203619405a3af32d4e5d1cf1fc3c97b3c873784fca9afb9a25188c61c74a7aa6d89acf63cab78d9924472460ea4f1cd96fc4a0a263da0a66fcd1438ffaef1c950e133f797185e7aecb6f08c685
D. Liu.
Descent Symmetrical Polak-Ribiere-Polyak Conjugate Gradient Method
.Journal of Tianjin University (In Chinese), 2010,
D. Liu.
Spectral method and its application to the conjugate gradient method
.Applied Mathematics and Computation
D. Liu.
Symmetric Perry conjugate gradient method
.Computational Optimization and Applications, 2013, 56:
D. Liu.
Applying Powell's symmetrical technique to conjugate gradient methods
.Computational Optimization and Applications, 2011
D. Liu.
Design of controllers and compensators of a serially connected string system and its Riesz basis
., Control Theory & Applications (In Chinese),2008, 25(5) : 815-818.
:25(5) : 815-818.