Chen Fei


School of Microelectronics

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Electronic science and technology

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Selected Papers

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A CMOS QPSK Demodulator Frontend for a PON ONU


Journal:Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett.

Key Words:CMOS; PON; QPSK; demodulator; frontend

Abstract:A quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) demodulator frontend for a passive optical network (PON) optical network unit receiver fabricated in CMOS 0.13-mu m technology is presented. The frontend integrates a compact 5-GHz ring quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (QVCO), two inductor-less broadband mixers, and two second-order LC ladder low-pass filters. The broadband mixers operate with an input frequency between 2.5 and 7.5 GHz and with an input 1-dB compression point of -5 dBm. Area-saving design techniques are applied to lower the cost of the terminal receivers, because a competitive cos

All the Authors:] F Chen, R Bespalko, F Brian

First Author:Chen, F

Correspondence Author:Chen, F

Document Code:10.1002/mop.25902



Page Number:1056-1062

Translation or Not:no