Chen Fei

School of Microelectronics

Professional Title



Electronic science and technology

Contact Information


tian jin

Brief Introduction

    Electronic Science and Technology Lecturer, Master Instructor. Main  research interests is integrated circuit design for medical  hearing aids, low-power wireless transceivers, and terahertz imaging. As reviewers of  IEEE journals T-MTT, TCAS-I, T-BioCAS and so on.

Reasearch projects:

1.  Preside over the National Natural Science Fund Project: CMOS THz heat detector mechanism and key technologies.

2.  National Key R & D Program Nanotechnology: CMOS compatible  terahertz source, detection and array imaging, sub task leader.

3.  Preside over Tianjin Natural Science Foundation: Research on Key  Technologies of Low-power UWB Transceiver for Wireless Hearing Aid  Devices.

4.  Participate in the national high-tech  research and development plan (863 plan) sub-topics, high-performance  SOI diode uncooled infrared imaging array sensors and systems.

5.  Participate in the national science and technology major project 03  special: a new generation of broadband wireless mobile communication  network, the project name: for IMT-Advanced and other broadband wireless  communication systems RF chips, devices and modules research and  development.

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