Chen Fei


School of Microelectronics

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Electronic science and technology

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Selected Papers

Current position: Personal Profile > Academic Achievements > Selected Papers

A Reconfigurable FM-UWB Transceiver for Short-Range Wireless Communications


Journal:IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett.

Key Words:Bit error rate (BER); bowtie antenna; frequency modulated ultra wideband (FM-UWB); reconfiguration;

Abstract:A 3.7-4.3 GHz frequency modulated ultra wideband (FM-UWB) transceiver with digitally reconfigurable subcarrier modulation index, UWB bandwidth and RF frequency band is fabricated in 0.18 mu m CMOS. Considering short-range low-data-rate applications for wireless body area networks, RF front ends, consisting of an output amplifier with -14 dBm power level, an FM demodulator with -35 dBm sensitivity, and a preamplifier with 25 dB gain, 6 dB noise figure, are designed. The presented implementation including UWB bowtie antennas achieves a bit error rate (BER) of 10(-6) at a data rate of 12.5 kb/s w

All the Authors:B Zhou, F Chen, W Rhee, Z Wang

First Author:B Zhou, F Chen, W Rhee, Z Wang

Correspondence Author:Zhou, B



Page Number:371-373

ISSN No.:1531-1309

Translation or Not:no