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ZHAO Yanjun

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Date of Employment:2018年06月08日

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Liu G#, Deng J#, Liu F, Wang Z, Peer D, Zhao Y*, 2018. Hierarchically theranostic nanomedicine: MRI contrast agents as the physical vehicle anchor for high drug loading and triggered on-demand delivery. J Mater Chem B, 6(13): 1995-2003.

Date:2020-08-16  Hits:

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:Zhang X, Yan Q, Mulatihan DN, Zhu J, Fan A, Wang Z*, Zhao Y*, 2018. Pharmaceutical micelles featured with singlet oxygen-responsive cargo release and mitochondrial targeting for enhanced photodynamic therapy. Nanotechnology, 29(25): 255101. Next One:Zhang D, Wang L, Zhang X, Bao D,* Zhao Y*, 2018. Polymeric micelles for pH-responsive lutein delivery. J Drug Del Sci Technol, 45: 281-286.