Personal HomePage


ZHAO Yanjun

Personal Information


Date of Employment:2018年06月08日

Other Contact Information

ZipCode : 300072

Postal Address : Room 412-1, Building 24, Tianjin University

Telephone : 022-27407882

E-mail :

Guo X, Liu F, Deng J, Dai P, Qin Y, Li Z, Wang B, Fan A, Wang Z*, Zhao Y*, 2020. Electron-accepting micelles deplete reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate and impair two antioxidant cascades for ferroptosis-induced tumor eradication. ACS Nano, in press (doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c00764).

Date:2020-11-03  Hits:

Translation or Not:no

CN No.:null

Pre One:Qin Y, Guo T, Wang Z, Zhao Y*, 2021. The role of iron in doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity: recent advances and implication for drug delivery. J Mater Chem B, 9(24): 4793-4803. Next One:Zhu J, Dai P, Liu F, Li Y, Qin Y, Yang Q, Tian R, Fan A, Medeiros SF, Wang Z*, Zhao Y*, 2020. Upconverting nanocarriers enable triggered microtubule inhibition and concurrent ferroptosis induction for selective treatment of triple-negative breast cancer. Nano Lett., 20(9): 6235-6245.