Chen J(陈玖斌), Gaillardet J, Louvat P, Huon S. Zn isotopes in the suspended load of the Seine River, France: Isotopic variations and source determination[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2009, 73(14): 4060-4076.
上一条:Chen J(陈玖斌), Gaillardet J, Louvat P. Zinc Isotopes in the Seine River,Waters, France A Probe of Anthropogenic Contamination[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42(17): 6494-6501.
下一条:Chen J(陈玖斌), Louvat P, Gaillardet J, Birck J-L. Direct separation of Zn from dilute aqueous solutions for isotope composition determination using multi-collector ICP-MS[J]. Chemical Geology, 2009, 259(3-4): 120-130.