Chen Jiubin

School of Earth System Science

Professional Title


Administrative Appointments

Associate Dean

Contact Information


Rm615, Building No.16

Brief Introduction

    Jiubin Chen is actually working in the Tianjin University in China at the School of Earth System Science. He completed an undergraduate degree in earth science in the Changchun Institute of Geology (now Jilin University) followed by several jobs in different sections. He continued on to a DEA then a PhD programs at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), University Paris 7 where he got his doctor degree on the geochemistry of metal (Zn, Cu and Fe) isotopes. He then made a post-doc in the Trent University in Canada on Hg isotopes. Before moving to Tianjin University, he used to work in the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS) in Guiyang. 

    He mainly works on the geochemistry of metal isotopes, with a focus on the method development, fractionation mechanisms and potentail application of metal isotopes in various surface environments. He developed methods for purifying Zn, Hg and Ga from geological matrix for precise isotope analysis. His first study on Zn isotopes in the Seine River demonstrated the potential usefulness of metal isotopes in tracing the pollution sources in aquatic systems. His preconcentration method of Hg enabled studies of Hg isotope systematics in very dilute surface water systems, and the findings of significant mass-independent fractionations for both odd and even Hg isotopes in precipitations from different continents are intrguing and help for better understanding the biogeochemical cycling of this very mobile heavy metal. He just developped a protocol for Ga isotope analysis and the large variation range determined during the adsorption of Ga onto mineral surface makes Ga isotopes a new promising tracer. Recently, he developped a new two-step chromatographic method with first anion- then cation-exchange resins to purify Sb from geological samples for accurate isotope measurement on an MC-ICP-MS.

Education Background
  • Doctoral degree| IPGP, University Paris 7| 2008
  • Master’s Degree| IPGP, University Paris 7| 2004
  • Bachelor’s Degree| Changchun Institute of Geology| 1994
Research Interests
  •  Isotope geochemistry of trace metals (Zn, Cu, Fe, Ga, Sb etc.) and their applications in geochemistry and biogeochemistry. Human impact of trace elements in aqueous environment
    Bio-geochemical cycles of trace elements on a global scale, and their fates
  • New tracers of bio-geochemistry
Professional Membership
  • 期刊《National Science Open》地学与环境领域执行副主编
  • 期刊《Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta》副主编
  • 期刊《Applied Geochemistry》副主编
  • 《Acta Geochimica》期刊编委
  • 科技部国家重点研发计划十四五“水土气专项”总体专家组成员
  • 科技部国家重点研发计划十三五“大气专项”总体专家组成员
  • 生态环境部环境损害鉴定评估专家委员会委员
  • 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会环境地质地球化学、中国地理学会环境地理和
  • 中国土壤学会第十四届理事会理事
  • 欧共体项目GMOS-Train顾问委员
  • 法国MARSS项目咨询专家
  • 中-法景观动态变化联合实验室(LIA-Saladyn)中方负责人
Positions & Employments
  • 2018.7-Now

    the School of Earth System Science | Tianjin University | Professor 
  • 2010.11-2018.6

    环境地球化学国家重点实验室 | Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences | Professor 
  • 2009.1-2010.11

     Trent University | Postdoc. 
  • 2008.9-2008.12

    天体与地球化学实验室 | IPGP | Assistant professor 
  • 2007.10-2008.8

    天体与地球化学实验室 | IPGP | Lecturer 
Academic Achievements
Center for Advanced Science of Isotopes(CASI)
At present, the Center for Advanced Science of Isotopes (CASI) of SESS Tianjin University is devoting to the advanced research domains of the stable isotope geochemistry, with a focus on the geochemistry of metal stable isotopes: on one hand, by improving the existing theoretical framework of metal stable isotopes (such as Hg, Cu, Zn, Fe, Li, Mg, Ba), expanding its application in surface earth system science; on the other hand, by developing measurement methods for new metal stable isotope systems (such as Ga, Sn, Sb), solving the outstanding scientific problems in surface earth system sciences. In addition to provide the fundamental technical support for various fields of surface earth system science, the CASI aims to make breakthroughs and innovations in the basic theory, measurement technologies and application areas of isotopes.