Zhang Runrun, Xi Chen*, Qinbo Cheng, Zhicai Zhang, Peng Shi. Joint probability of precipitation and reservoir storage for drought estimation in the headwater basin of the Huaihe River, China, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2016, 30: 1641-1657.
上一条:Huang Yuanyang, Xunhong Chen, Xi*, Chen, Gengxin Ou. Transmission losses during two flood events in the Platte River, south-central Nebraska, Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 520:244–253.
下一条:Zengxin Zhang, Xi Chen*, Chong-Yu Xu, Lifeng Yuan, Bin Yong, Shaofeng Yan, Evaluating the non-stationary relationship between precipitation and streamflow in nine major basins of China during the past 50 years, Journal of Hydrology, 2011,409:81-93.