- 教师拼音名称:Chen Xi
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
- 所属院系:地球系统科学学院
- 922228130e53eea4d2dff9513389f7dd306290b61e7b6ab1fc4ecc15d22f3c481618df3a86d7e84ca10fff098d04484842e4b39779e690541e8d8ffcecd2d4890504dd8c3db9036259de41aeb7dad586c34efccc0d24e51d929c13f575f039c9e3e43a10ece28f8974b37c77f60ec40481ac553b3fb9f7adb34006541edf1480
- 4c47d4db7472ecd844e08472e74c5ba231098619bb21bdf60f9eb3bf3bc0713a2c32c736ed0c0fa18c31047add70ef197f9576b2075db8b07176b57145a7095b210b1d37935a8cb11b62bb81085ed84f242ac4607c0022eacc918d13f1eb4cfc845631d6c0f8f44590ab751d86f1e7ec3ca81a2456312bb186de4b276865f502
Qiu, N., Chen, X.*, Hu, Q., Liu, J., Huang, R., Gao, M., 2018. Hydro-stochastic interpolation coupling with the Budyko approach for prediction of mean annual runoff. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-22-2891-201
Zhicai Zhang, Xi Chen*, Anas Ghadouani, Peng Shi. Modelling hydrological processes influenced by soil, rock and vegetation in a small karst basin of southwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2011, 25(15): 2456-2470.
Chen Xi*, Yuanyang Huang, Minhua Ling, Qi Hu, Bo Liu, Numerical modeling groundwater recharge and its implication in water cycles of two interdunal valleys in the Sand Hills of Nebraska, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2012, Parts A/B/C, 53: 10-18.
Chen Xi*, Ling Min-hua, Zhou Qiu, Zhang Zhi-cai, Cheng Qin-bo, Numerical modeling the role of rubber dams on groundwater recharge and phreatic evaporation loss in riparian zones, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 65(1): 345-352.
Chen Xi*, Zhang Yan-fang, Xue Xianwu, Zhang Zhicai, Wei Lingna, Estimation of baseflow recession constants and effective hydraulic parameters in the karst basins of southwest China, Hydrology Research, 2012, 43(1-2):102-112.
陈喜, 程勤波, 张志才. 饱和-非饱和水流数值模拟,中国水利水电出版社,2010.
陈喜, 张志才, 容丽, 束龙仓, 阎长虹, 苏维词, 石朋. 西南喀斯特地区水循环过程及其水文生态效应, 科学出版社, 2014.