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上一条:许强, 丁林, 张利云, 杨迪, 蔡福龙, 来庆洲, 刘静, 史仁灯, 2009, 青藏高原现代食草动物牙齿珐琅质稳定同位素特征及古高度重建意义, 科学通报, 54(15): 2160-2168.
下一条:Zeng, LS, Chen, J, Chen ZY, Liu J, Liang FH, Gao L., 2007, Emplacement depth of the Shidao granitic complex and the rapid exhumation of the Sulu ultrahigh pressure rocks: New constraints on the mechanisms for rapid exhumation, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(12): 3171-3179.