- 教师拼音名称:Wang Yang
- 出生日期:1990-10-28
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
- 所属院系:化工学院
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- 5f7466a8f38e8cfaf017e6af2bc08d0a7b2b864c01ff53c4eb190758be66f19c36e802b1111728991d9e2c228351ee13ae8109cd6f4c0883850ff402f3c151ce5e8fcc4674ad5301c67dc914a381a8083ef6c7609ca49d5047980f9aed22c4698310ee0e1fea2543c04147b3934d6240a1cf6544f9d202541a2b06e117ba3fa1
- 310eed1e3f81d67d77d3756fb9b944f4d543c94a45c75327257a78314db5dc7c435d83c6e22a60b0eafb1b7686eaac856cbdd3c2d3fccc8de57b15a116d54869f0ba9e58cfa510e867f07a22d4671d8884af0f7660cfaa1e632217746df9a299a2ee4f9f0a99ec3cf10656818dd22d09afe2735d45a63d6e99f4d28a32d88767
- 2ac5fdbb95f6e163e1ed799c70cad8f2986e40f855a14d718d22197489e037cbb06f16e290ac1b1eacacc03997e2760e8ff797afb673821c46ede5629a8e30812ee2da5b223389e4ef25e06f13072948d5a03d73d1d533ad9f93d12a08fc49eb2b7bff9d68571c2781c5a9699cefce334753374d9b37407a4fce773da0f93411
- 31c386f385c5a452bc703d7c38768468c1dbda5b4126338a0165e934a8dccbac37f02b4e52298a109a0f620387587b3519412a22a37a6ba2ef5ad72011a7ad2e1993225f8d287da98cd1133e021889b7e5272afdef2ecb045e853c55777b3f35b10682942db40ff4fc92861993d3cdbdf1684a94dd9b230f4fe3afd2bb7b5f5b
· S. Ntakirutimana, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Enhanced Surface Activity of Activated Carbon by Surfactants Synergism, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 26519-26531.
· L. Liu, Y. Pang, D. Lv, K. Wang, Y. Wang*, Thermal and Kinetic Analyzing of Pyrolysis and Combustion of Self-heating Biomass Particles, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 151, 39-50.
· L. Liu, C. Yang, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Degradation of Acid Red 73 by Activated Persulfate in Heat/Fe3O4@AC System with Ultrasound Intensification, ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 23, 13739-13750.
· X. Shi, W. Tan, L. Liu, W. Cao, Y. Wang*, G. Zhu*, Separation of Exfoliated Tumor Cells from Viscoelastic Pleural Effusion Using a Microfluidic Sandwich Structure, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2020, 412, 5513-5523.
· L. Liu, Y. Pang, D. Lv, K. Wang, Y. Wang*, Self-sustaining smoldering characteristics of corn straw powder stacks, ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 9928-9939.
· K. Guo, C. Tian, Y. Wang, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, An Energy-based Model for Impact-sliding Fretting Wear between Tubes and Anti-vibration Bars in Steam Generators, Tribology International, 2020, 148, 106305-106315.
· X. Fan, Z. Wang, X. Chen, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, Experimental investigation on flow-induced vibration of flexible multi cylinders in atmospheric boundary layer, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 183, 105815-105829.
· X. Fan, Z. Wang, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, The effect of vortices structures on the flow-induced vibration of three flexible tandem cylinders, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 192, 106132-106149.
· X. Fan, K. Guo, Z. Jia, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, Vibration Mode and Velocity Interference Mechanism of Tandem Cylinders at Subcritical Reynolds Number, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 199, 104136-104149.
· W. Tan, D. Lv, X. Guo, H. Du, L. Liu, Y. Wang*, Accident Consequence Calculation of Ammonia Dispersion in Factory Area, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2020, 67, 104271-104280.