Zhu Xiangyu

School of Earth System Science

Professional Title

Associate professor

Contact Information


Rm 312, Building No.16

Brief Introduction

Specific areas of interest include: (1) The identification, transformation, and stability evaluation of contaminated minerals created by mining activities, (2) Thermodynamic property evaluations of environmentally-relevant minerals and inorganic phases, (3) Microbe-Mineral-water interactions from molecule to macroscopic scales, (4) Formation, structure, and properties of Environmental nanomaterials, (5) Synchrotron based technics such as XAFS, STXM, μ-XRF, XRD, and CT

Education Background
  • Doctoral degree| Nanjing University/USGS| Mineralogy| 2017
  • 联合培养博士| 美国地质调查局| 水溶液地球化学| 2016
  • Bachelor’s Degree| Nanjing University| Geology| 2011
Research Interests
  • My personal interests reside in environmentally-relevant anthropogenic and biogeochemical process that largely control mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of contaminants or nutrients (such as arsenic and phosphorus) within soils, sediments and waters.
Professional Membership
    No content
Positions & Employments
  • 2020.6-Now

    School of Earth System Science | Tianjin University | Associate Research Fellow 
  • 2017.6-2020.6

    School of Earth System Science | Tianjin University | Lecturer 
Academic Achievements