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  • 教师名称:肖文海
  • 教师拼音名称:Xiao Wenhai
  • 出生日期:1982-01-12
  • 性别:
  • 职称:教授


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  • 基本信息

  • 研究方向

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  • 论文成果

  • Dr. Wenhai Xiao is an associated professor in the School of Chemical Engineering & Technology at Tianjin University. He received his B.S. degree and Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Engineering from Tianjin University in China in 2004 and 2010, respectively. Dr. Xiao has authored and co-authored over 15 research articles and over 10 patents. He focused on heterologous production of natural products in microbial cell factories by metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, which has been published in top journal, such as science, PNAS, Metabolich Engineering et al. To date, total citations has exceed 700.

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  • 2008.10-2010.5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US   Chemical Engineering   Visiting student
  • 2004.9-2010.12 Tianjin University   Pharmaceutical Engineering   Doctor
  • 2000.9-2004.6 Tianjin University   Pharmaceutical Engineering   Bachelor


  • 2017.6 -2019.12

    |School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University|associated professor

  • 2015.1 -2017.6

    |SynBio Research Platform, Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering (Tianjin), Tianjin University|Professor

  • 2012.10 -2014.12

    |Manus Biosynthesis. Inc, Boston, US|Senior Scientist

  • 2011.1 -2012.9

    |CABIO Biotech(Wuhan) Co., Ltd|Engineer in-Chief of Bioprocess

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