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  • 教师名称:肖文海
  • 教师拼音名称:Xiao Wenhai
  • 出生日期:1982-01-12
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  • 职称:教授


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Combining metabolic and protein engineering of a terpenoid biosynthetic pathway for overproduction and selectivity control


发表刊物:Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

合写作者:Leonard E, Ajikumar PK, Thayer K, Xiao WH, Mo JD, Tidor B, Stephanopoulos G, Prather KL

第一作者:Leonard E, Ajikumar PK

论文类型:Applied Research

通讯作者:Prather KL


上一条:Isoprenoid Pathway Optimization for Taxol Precursor Overproduction in Escherichia coli 下一条:Rational, combinatorial, and genomic approaches for engineering L-tyrosine production in Escherichia coli

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