Ling Jihong

School of Environmental Science and Engineering

Professional Title

Associate professor

Contact Information



Brief Introduction

Ling Jihong received her M.E. from Tianjin University in 1997, after which she entered Department of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, to persue an academic career. Moreover, she received her ph.D. from Tianjin University. Now she is an associate professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering. Her research interests is as follows: green building technology, air cleaning technology, optimization of HVAC.

Education Background
  • Doctor of Engineering| Tianjin University| Building Science and Technology| 2005
  • Master of Engineering| Tianjin University| Thermal Engineering| 1997
  • Bachelor| Tianjin University| HVAC| 1994
Research Interests
  • Optimization of HVAC
  • Air cleaning technology
  • Green building technology
Professional Membership
    No content
Positions & Employments
  • 1997.3-2019.12

    School of Environmental Science and Engineering | Tianjin University 
Academic Achievements
  • Honors & Awards