Ling Jihong
School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Professional Title
Associate professor
Contact Information
Brief Introduction
Ling Jihong received her M.E. from Tianjin University in 1997, after which she entered Department of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, to persue an academic career. Moreover, she received her ph.D. from Tianjin University. Now she is an associate professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering. Her research interests is as follows: green building technology, air cleaning technology, optimization of HVAC.
Education Background
- Doctor of Engineering| Tianjin University| Building Science and Technology| 2005
- Master of Engineering| Tianjin University| Thermal Engineering| 1997
- Bachelor| Tianjin University| HVAC| 1994
Research Interests
- Optimization of HVAC
- Air cleaning technology
- Green building technology
Professional Membership
No content
Positions & Employments
School of Environmental Science and Engineering | Tianjin University 
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] Jihong Ling, Qiang Li, Jincheng Xing,The influence of apartment location on household space heating consumption in multi-apartment buildings,Energy and Buildings, 2015,103(9):185-197
- [2] Jihong Ling, Jincheng Xing,Haitao Ma, Huizhu Yu,Quantitative research of incentive effects of heat-metering policy on energy-saving behavior in Tianjin. Frontiers in Energy, 2014,8(4):504-512
- [3] Jihong Ling, Luhui Zhao,Jincheng Xing, Zhiqiang Lu, Statistical analysis of residential building energy consumption in Tianjin, Frontiers in Energy, 2014,8(4):513-520
- [4] Ling Jihong, Qin Xiaona, Xing jincheng. The influence of uniform flow orifice on the effect of naturally stratified chilled water-storage tank, International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering ,RSETE 2011 – Proceedings, 2011
- [5] Ling Jihong, Zhao Yue, Xing jincheng. Research on slotted-pipe diffuser of naturally stratified water-storage tank, International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, ICETCE 2011 – Proceedings, 2011
- [6] Jihong Ling, Haixian Hao, Jicheng Xing. Numerical simulation of natural ventilation in city road tunnel with upper vents, International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, ICETCE 2011 – Proceedings, 2011
- [7] Li Jianglong, Ling Jihong. Experimental research and numerical simulation of airflow performance in level-3 biosafety laboratory. 1st International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, 2008,7: 1218-1225
- [8] Ling Jihong, Lin Guozhen. Comparison of operating table covering style in the protection of the surgical site. Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on heating, ventilating and air conditioning, 2007:255-260
- Books
- No content
- Patents
- [1] A kind of air cleaner using intensity pulsed light
- [2] model test system for road tunnel ventilation
- Teaching
- No content
- Honors & Awards