- 教师名称:宋轶民
- 教师拼音名称:Song Yimin
- 出生日期:1971-09-18
- 性别:男
- 学科:Mechanical Engineering
- 职称:教授
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更多+- Dimensional synthesis of a 3-DOF parallel manipulator based on dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian matrix .Science China-Technological Sciences .2019 ,53 (1) :168-174
- Workspace decomposition based dimensional synthesis of a novel hybrid reconfigurable robot .ASME Trans. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics .2019 ,2 (3) :310091-310098
- Kineto-static analysis of a novel high-speed parallel manipulator with rigid-flexible coupled links .Journal of Central South University of Technology (English Edition) .2019 ,18 (3) :593-599
- Separation of comprehensive geometrical errors of a 3-dof parallel manipulator based on Jacobian matrix and its sensitivity analysis with Monte-Carlo method .Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) .2019 ,24 (3) :406-413
- Optimal design of a parallel mechanism with three rotational degrees of freedom .Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing .2019 ,28 (4) :500-508