[14] S.petrakides, R.chen*, Gao Dongzhi, Haiqiao Wei. Experimental Investigation on the Laminar Flame Velocities and Markstein Lengths of Methane and PRF95 Dual Fuels, Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30 (8), pp 6777–6789.
上一条:[15] Haiqiao Wei*, Dengquan Feng, Mingzhang Pan, Jiaying Pan, XiaoKang Rao, Dongzhi Gao. Experimental investigation on the knocking combustion characteristics of n-butanol gasoline blends in a DISI engine, Applied Energy, Volume 175, 1 August 2016, Pages 346-355.
下一条:[13] Haiqiao Wei*, Dongzhi Gao, Lei Zhou, Jiaying Pan, Kang Tao, Zigang Pei. Experimental observations of turbulent flame propagation effected by flame acceleration in the end gas of closed combustion chamber, Fuel, Volume 180, 15 September 2016, Pages 157-163.