[15] Haiqiao Wei*, Dengquan Feng, Mingzhang Pan, Jiaying Pan, XiaoKang Rao, Dongzhi Gao. Experimental investigation on the knocking combustion characteristics of n-butanol gasoline blends in a DISI engine, Applied Energy, Volume 175, 1 August 2016, Pages 346-355.
上一条:[16] Gequn Shu*, Mingru Zhao, Hua Tian, Haiqiao Wei, Xingyu Liang, Yongzhan Huo, Weijie Zhu, Experimental investigation on thermal OS/ORC (Oil Storage/Organic Rankine Cycle) system for waste heat recovery from diesel engine, Energy, Volume 107, 15 July 2016, Pages 693-706.
下一条:[14] S.petrakides, R.chen*, Gao Dongzhi, Haiqiao Wei. Experimental Investigation on the Laminar Flame Velocities and Markstein Lengths of Methane and PRF95 Dual Fuels, Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30 (8), pp 6777–6789.