Kuo Pang, Fengzhou Fang, Le Song*, Yue Zhang and Haoyang Zhang. Bionic compound eye for 3D motion detection using an optical freeform surface. Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 2017, 34(5): B28-35
上一条:Yelong Zheng, Meirong Zhao, Peiyuan Sun and Le Song*. Optimization of electrostatic force system based on newton interpolation method, Journal of Sensors, 2018: 7801597
下一条:Peiyuan Sun, Meirong Zhao, Jile Jiang, Yelong Zheng, Yaqian Han and Le Song*. The differential method for force measurement based on electrostatic force. Journal of Sensors, 2017, 2017: 1-7