- 教师拼音名称:Song Le
- 出生日期:1981-09-07
- 职务:院长助理
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
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- a1acc17c4bc145f7d72b0e0489b1291b61c3754a52c33a0f2a488cfafcfef8f3fd29a30f60d598c945b097c2b2a5720c42aaeaad6036c718dd2fd015d9312e7cc1ed21daa89014120a7adf20a2158d8ba3df43709ba891259c404f2304cd250f46620a890400b8e605233578682ad689f49f67a2642853199e128cbb454767f5
· Yelong Zheng, Le Song*, Jingxiong Huang, Haoyang Zhang and Fengzhou Fang. Detection of three dimensional trajectory of object based on curved bionic compound eye, Optics Letters, 2019, 44(17), 4143-4146
· Yelong Zheng, Meirong Zhao, Jile Jiang and Le Song*. Dynamic force transducer calibration based on electrostatic force, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 48998-49003
· Yelong Zheng, Meirong Zhao, Peiyuan Sun and Le Song*. Optimization of electrostatic force system based on newton interpolation method, Journal of Sensors, 2018: 7801597
· Kuo Pang, Fengzhou Fang, Le Song*, Yue Zhang and Haoyang Zhang. Bionic compound eye for 3D motion detection using an optical freeform surface. Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 2017, 34(5): B28-35
· Peiyuan Sun, Meirong Zhao, Jile Jiang, Yelong Zheng, Yaqian Han and Le Song*. The differential method for force measurement based on electrostatic force. Journal of Sensors, 2017, 2017: 1-7
· Le Song, Yelong Zheng*, Gang Hu, Jinyu Ma, Teresa Werner, Meirong Zhao and Fengzhou Fang. Highly sensitive, precise, and traceable measurement of force. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2016, 44(4): 386-400
· Hu Gong, Yi Wang, Le Song* and Fengzhou Fang. Spiral tool path generation for diamond turning optical freeform surfaces of quasi-revolution. Computer-Aided Design, 2015, 59: 15-22
· Yelong Zheng, Le Song*, Gang Hu, Xue Cai, Hongguang Liu, Jinyu Ma, Meirong Zhao and Fengzhou Fang. The multi-position calibration of the stiffness for atomic-force microscope cantilevers based on vibration. Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26 (5): 055001-7
· Yelong Zheng, Le Song*, Gang Hu, Meirong Zhao, Yanling Tian, Zihui Zhang and Fengzhou Fang. Improving environmental noise suppression for micronewton force sensing based on electrostatic by injecting air damping. Review of scientific instruments, 2014, 85(5): 055002-1-7
· Le Song, Fengzhou Fang and Jibo Zhao. Study on viscosity measurement using fiber bragg grating micro-vibration. Measurement Science and Technology, 2013, 24 (1): 015301