- 教师拼音名称:Song Le
- 出生日期:1981-09-07
- 职务:院长助理
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
- 3d2f11f7ab7a6b83cf35d37278eb02ff43b07a04918f4fa517f63e4e0c1027f1c3afc9013d727abb7adc35dedd02886b0a3c53ec669ee4bf7a3d324974ca840519fbee519693cba5de11017064a2a7cfe85253d45554f7c20fcedf7409dbc00251ac6f7efa21e1a02f80a5a313a679e33a0f5fb1518b91e4d358fb0a3cbefd0c
- 1622851bc388da4825bc841c6faad88e3d52c01e97a05d69c69b44f644cbcdb7dd61f7aaa43212390e30f7e8eae296776266f34552f491faac6e021f030cedf0dadf259324cdba9f5d5aba78705f69347a0cca4bd58ec89400123e2972e8fb469218422072381a0347dd55ce5e3dc4868e5e18fd00de7360971b37830b71b468
- a1acc17c4bc145f7d72b0e0489b1291b61c3754a52c33a0f2a488cfafcfef8f3fd29a30f60d598c945b097c2b2a5720c42aaeaad6036c718dd2fd015d9312e7cc1ed21daa89014120a7adf20a2158d8ba3df43709ba891259c404f2304cd250f46620a890400b8e605233578682ad689f49f67a2642853199e128cbb454767f5
· Le Song, Zihui Zhang and Haoyang Zhang. A Biologically-inspired Embedded Monitoring Network System for Moving Target Detection in Panoramic View, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013:175
· Kuo Pang, Le Song, Fengzhou Fang*, Yue Zhang, Haoyang Zhang. An imaging system with a large depth of field based on an overlapped micro-lens array. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 65(1): 471-474
· Sun Peiyuan, Cai Xue, Song Le*, Zheng Yelong and Zhao Meirong. Vision measurement method to promote calibration precision of capacitance gradient in micro-force measurement system. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 2016, 12(1), 71-81
· Le Song, Zi-hui Zhang. Calibration method for stereovision measurement of high-temperature components using two infrared cameras. International Journal of Automation Technology, 2013, 7(2): 163-170
· 宋乐, 王玉瑾, 郑叶龙. 光压的测量方法现状及发展趋势, 计量学报, 2019, 40(1): 117-123
· 庞阔, 宋乐*, 房丰洲. 应用光学自由曲面的曲面结构大视场仿生复眼系统, 光电子·激光, 2018, 29(1): 8-13
· 宋乐, 郑叶龙, 赵美蓉, 林玉池. 小型化活塞式黏度在线检测方法, 天津大学学报, 2012, 45(9): 820-823
· Le Song, Yuchi Lin, Weichang Feng and Meirong Zhao. A novel automatic weighted image fusion algorithm, International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications 2009(1): 57-61
· Le Song, Yuchi Lin, Yanhua Chen and Meirong Zhao. An FPGA-based heterogeneous image fusion system design method, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2011 (8193), 81931l-1-7
· Song Le, Lin Yuchi, Zhao Meirong and Wu Ying. Research on CCD visual sensor-based embedded level measuring system for oil tankers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009 (7384), 73840W-1-7