- 教师拼音名称:Zuo Siyang
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
- 4667f1472ab024cc1fc0d002de0b2b7fa2a082c20459630a7c032a20585812f639061ccf7e2cec0359f2cc05bf5c0a19f9f240245ec423b5e4ca0c262af8ab04aedd3068c46df52a11d5dadecc64028d46365059317e5ced4e79a16e25b10d50a638d510f0cbbf05ac5a055f307e1be9ff8eb9b54ae5064d280f881456ab5627
· T. Zhang, Z. Ping, S. Zuo*, Miniature Continuum Manipulator With Three Degrees-of-Freedom Force Sensing for Retinal Microsurgery, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2021, 13(4): 041002.
· H. Wang, D. Kong, S. Zuo*, A Miniature Robotic-assisted Tool for Large Area Endomicroscopy Scanning, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2020, 12(3): 031012.
· C. Zhang, Z. Ping, S. Zuo*, Flexible Instrument with Contact-aided Structure and Force Feedback for Endoscopic Surgery, The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2023, e2573.
· S. Zuo, Z. Wang, T. Zhang, B. Chen*, A Novel Master-slave Intraocular Surgical Robot with Force Feedback, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2021, 17(4): e2267.
· J. Liu, L. Yin, J.H Chandler, X. Chen, P. Valdastri, S. Zuo*, A Dual‐bending Endoscope with Shape‐lockable Hydraulic Actuation and Water‐jet Propulsion for Gastrointestinal Tract Screening, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2021, 17: e2197.
· Z. Wang, S. Wang, S. Zuo*, A hand-held device with 3-DOF haptic feedback mechanism for microsurgery, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2019, 15(5): e2025.
· L. Yin, X. Wang, S. Zuo*, Water-jet outer sheath with braided shape memory polymer tubes for upper gastrointestinal tract screening, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2018, 14(6): e1944.
· H. Wang, Z. Ping, Y. Fan, H. Kang, S. Zuo*, A Novel Surface-Scanning Device for Intraoperative Tumor Identification and Therapy , IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 96392-96403.
· H. Wang, N. Zhang, S. Zuo*, Low-cost and highly flexible intraoperative endomicroscopy system for cellular imaging, Applied Optics, 2018, 57(7): 1554-1561.
· S. Wang, Q. He, P. Zhang, X. Chen, S. Zuo*, Toward Automatic Detection of Gastric Lesion for Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy with Neural Network, Journal of Medical Robotics Research, 2022, 2141003.