- 教师名称:魏健馨
- 教师拼音名称:Wei Jianxin
- 出生日期:1964-02-23
- 性别:女
- 职称:教授
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- Tianjin education system 2001-2005 "According to Law" advanced workers.2017-10-12
- Tianjin fourth popularize legal planning of "advanced worker for five years.(2006).2017-10-12
- Monograph "harmony and tolerance: the spirit of citizenship in the view of constitutional law" won the award of the fourth humanities and social sciences award in the Asian research center of nankai university.(2009).2017-10-12
- The paper "on citizen, citizen consciousness and the rule of law" obtained the third prize of outstanding scientific research achievement of junior constitutional scholar of China law society of China.(2010).2017-10-12
- The study of the legal anatomy of Taiwan's "constitutional reform" (research report) won the third prize of the 11th social sciences outstanding achievement award in tianjin.(2008).2017-10-12