- 教师名称:魏健馨
- 教师拼音名称:Wei Jianxin
- 出生日期:1964-02-23
- 性别:女
- 职称:教授
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- 通讯/办公地址:
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- Wei Jianxin(One of the editors).Research on the development of human rights in China.China social sciences press,2016.2017-10-12
- Wei Jianxin(First deputy editor).Contemporary Chinese human rights protection.Renmin university of China press,2015.2017-10-12
- Wei Jianxin. The study of modern government system under the view of constitutional theory. People's Publishing House, 20122017-10-12
- Wei Jianxin.Harmony and tolerance: the spirit of citizenship under the theory of constitutional law.Law press,20062017-10-12